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Has anyone been to Easter Island?


Aug 31, 2005
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Hi everyone,

I am planning my adventures in South America and would like to know if anyone has been to Easter Island, Chile?
(Not sure yet if US flies there, maybe someone can tell me)
My question is would you recommend non-revving there?
I'm planning on going to Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, Argentina and finally Easter Island.

If anyone has been there, please let me know and PM me.
Hi everyone,

I am planning my adventures in South America and would like to know if anyone has been to Easter Island, Chile?
(Not sure yet if US flies there, maybe someone can tell me)
My question is would you recommend non-revving there?
I'm planning on going to Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, Argentina and finally Easter Island.

If anyone has been there, please let me know and PM me.
I have some limited info from a friend of mine who is a world traveler. He hasnt been there however, he has checked into it. Lan Chile has a daily flt from Santiago, its a thru flt to Tahaiti. Good Luck.