1st, please show me a post where I stated "UNIONS SUCK" !
2nd, why is it ok for people to come on here and preach pro-union rhetoric, but as soon as someone questions the benefit of having a union, it's blasphemy ?
You've got your opinion and I've got mine, they just difer on the benefits of union that's run by people that are no better than the people running the company your work for ! Hell, if unions are so great, why are the AA mechanics wanting to vote in a "NEW" union, in the middle of a bankruptcy? If unions are so great, why over the last 20 years have jobs, work and wages disappered, the unions "WERE" there during all of this, wtf happened ?
AGAIN ! Please show me where a union has benefitted its "Dues-Payers" from losing wages, benefits and work, during a bankruptcy !
Something wrong with working for Delta ? Ramp and FA's had a vote not too long ago and even with a rule change by the NMB, in favor of the unions, it was decided, by the majority, to keep them out, like it or not !