- Jun 1, 2010
- 690
- 320
Wouldn't it be great if turning down the once a year free food and trinket would send the company the message they aren't otherwise getting? It's about as effective as bitching here or on Jetnet and really just sounding like crybabies. Yes, I am guilty as much as anyone.
So there was "a system wide effort by local 591 not to gobble the gravy"? That's it? Wow, that'll send a message !!
Why was anyone even at work on AMT day?
Or why weren't the mechanics at AA, UA, and SWA picketing on AMT day?
This ain't working guys!!
Someone needs to get us all on the same page and get management's attention and not just some guy with a big spoon and an apron dishing out beans....
So there was "a system wide effort by local 591 not to gobble the gravy"? That's it? Wow, that'll send a message !!
Why was anyone even at work on AMT day?
Or why weren't the mechanics at AA, UA, and SWA picketing on AMT day?
This ain't working guys!!
Someone needs to get us all on the same page and get management's attention and not just some guy with a big spoon and an apron dishing out beans....