As we approach March, and hopefully the filing date for an election the nearly 9000 of us that have already filled out cards can do more to help the AMFA drive.
The time has come for Hand Pay.
Some would ask what going to "hand Pay" would accomplish?
It will put pressure on the union. It will strain their resources, resources that would otherwise be directed at fighting off AMFA. By denying the TWU its uninterupted dues flow that it now gets free of cost and automatically the TWU has plenty of money to use to fight AMFA. They are using our money to fight the union that we want-they are using our money to fight us. By going to hand pay the union will tie up huge amounts of time and expense collecting our money. They will no longer just automatically have our money transferred into their accounts. Instead they will have to monitor and notify us to pay. They have to notify us by registered mail which costs at least $3 per member plus the time to write up the notifications and process. I estimate that for each notification, between postage, time and materials the union will have to spend at least $10 to recover their dues from us. If we dont pay until notified, every 60 days, it would cost the TWU over $500,000 dollars to try and collect their dues. Thats $500,000 less that they have to fight AMFA. In the meantime if they cut back on anything else it would simply strengthen the case for AMFA and could leave them open to a DFR lawsuit.
There is no penalty for going to Hand Pay. Members can be in good standing and on Hand Pay and are entitled to all rights as members if they are hand paying.
Lets go on HAND PAY Now!
Lets not help the TWU fight AMFA!
Lets no longer give the TWU a free ride at our expense. If they want their money they will have to come to us for it!
Make them work for their money.
We cant hold them accountable but we can at least make them come to us for the money they extort from us!
Its easy to do. Simply notify Payroll through JETNET that you no longer give AA authorization to withdraw dues from your paycheck and that you will take care of it yourself. Also, notify your local.
The company may resist at first as they did with me, claiming that the Union must give them permission but that is not the case. Depending on what state you live in the only one who has permission, other than the courts, to grant authorizations for payroll deductions other than taxes is the employee. You have every right to withdraw the authoriztion that you granted when you filled out the authorization form when you hired on.
In the case of TWA workers they may not have ever filled out an authorization form.
The time has come for Hand Pay.
Some would ask what going to "hand Pay" would accomplish?
It will put pressure on the union. It will strain their resources, resources that would otherwise be directed at fighting off AMFA. By denying the TWU its uninterupted dues flow that it now gets free of cost and automatically the TWU has plenty of money to use to fight AMFA. They are using our money to fight the union that we want-they are using our money to fight us. By going to hand pay the union will tie up huge amounts of time and expense collecting our money. They will no longer just automatically have our money transferred into their accounts. Instead they will have to monitor and notify us to pay. They have to notify us by registered mail which costs at least $3 per member plus the time to write up the notifications and process. I estimate that for each notification, between postage, time and materials the union will have to spend at least $10 to recover their dues from us. If we dont pay until notified, every 60 days, it would cost the TWU over $500,000 dollars to try and collect their dues. Thats $500,000 less that they have to fight AMFA. In the meantime if they cut back on anything else it would simply strengthen the case for AMFA and could leave them open to a DFR lawsuit.
There is no penalty for going to Hand Pay. Members can be in good standing and on Hand Pay and are entitled to all rights as members if they are hand paying.
Lets go on HAND PAY Now!
Lets not help the TWU fight AMFA!
Lets no longer give the TWU a free ride at our expense. If they want their money they will have to come to us for it!
Make them work for their money.
We cant hold them accountable but we can at least make them come to us for the money they extort from us!
Its easy to do. Simply notify Payroll through JETNET that you no longer give AA authorization to withdraw dues from your paycheck and that you will take care of it yourself. Also, notify your local.
The company may resist at first as they did with me, claiming that the Union must give them permission but that is not the case. Depending on what state you live in the only one who has permission, other than the courts, to grant authorizations for payroll deductions other than taxes is the employee. You have every right to withdraw the authoriztion that you granted when you filled out the authorization form when you hired on.
In the case of TWA workers they may not have ever filled out an authorization form.