Gunning for the Vatican

I know this has thrown many people for a loop in the past but I will say it again: Religion is man made. That does not mean God does not exist. It means religion is man's way of worshipping God. Many people cheer on their religion like they do their favorite sports team.
Religion has been used as an instrument by the ruling class to enslave the mind of man with mumbo jumbo and superstition since the beggining of time.The catholic church been the key player in this scheme through out western history. Do I have to mention apparitions of the "Virgin" Mary on potato chips or tortillas?
When the Spaniards wanted the Aztecs stop worshipping their goddes Tonantzin Coatlicue they invented the Lady of Guadalupe and forced the Aztecs to worship her (trading a pagan idol for a so called Christian idol). The image of the Lady of Guadalupe shows her standing over a snake, whom the Aztecs interpreted as Quetzalcoatl, their snake god; so when the spanirds thought the Aztecs were worshipping the Lady, they were actually worshipping the snake. kind of funny.
No surprise that their is corruption in the catholic church. It is a man made institution, therefore inherently corrupt.
It's not the religion. It's the disgusting infection of the priesthood by child predators posing as Holy men.

Plain and simple... the predators are everywhere and are impossible to distinguish from the pious clergy.