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Gun Threads - Merged

Kev3188 said:
Yes. Really. A lot.
Citation needed Mike...cause anytime I've seen that question asked BLM supporters go nuts about that trying to turn the conversation away from cop on black killings.
Bill Vestrup said:
Except you don't have rabid mobs of veterans marching the streets calling for the deaths of police officers do you?
So.....ALL black people do that?  Hell....I remember when older conservatives of today were calling cops "pigs" while protesting a war.  
KCFlyer said:
I know that many on the right have very short attention spans, and a 10 minute video might be too much to watch.   To them, Police can do no wrong, and if only those black men would just listen to the cop, they wouldn't have a problem.  But here in KC we are trying something different.    It usually doesn't go over well because as soon as the cop said "I was a part of that problem", they tune it out.  But everything is a two way street.  Watch it if you want to see a start.  It goes way farther.  
As I expected....not a single righty commented on this.  
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KCFlyer said:
So.....ALL black people do that?  Hell....I remember when older conservatives of today were calling cops "pigs" while protesting a war.  
You mean Bill and Hillary?
Several fine instances of the Crintstone experience available.
KCFlyer said:
As I expected....not a single righty commented on this.  
Sorry....was watching the super bowl on cspan.
Seen the guy before in one of your previous posts.
So what?
Obama says 'ye must repent' and you trip over yourself  obliging?
You realize hard stats vs the BS/Obama the MSM is sending you daily don't quiet jive?
Less than 1/2 of 1 % cops are bad.
Equate that with other 'uncertainties' in life. 
Source the book 'War on Cops'
delldude said:
Sorry....was watching the super bowl on cspan.
Seen the guy before in one of your previous posts.
So what?
Obama says 'ye must repent' and you trip over yourself  obliging?
You realize hard stats vs the BS/Obama the MSM is sending you daily don't quiet jive?
Less than 1/2 of 1 % cops are bad.
Equate that with other 'uncertainties' in life. 
Source the book 'War on Cops'
And here's a good cop that says "I've been part of the problem".   So What?  You want a community to change?  Why not change with them?  You know, when Ferguson was going on - KC is just a short drive down the highway.  We didn't have "sympathy riots"...but we DID have protests.  The police chief TOLD the community that they had a right to protest....they WANTED them to be able to exercise that right.  Then they did something different - they just said "please don't do anything stupid".   And you never read about the protests in KC because nothing happened.  
KC has a pretty large black population and the BR gunman was from here.  He was a rogue. He was mentally ill.  But the righties would love to say that he represents all blacks in KC. Just like he represents all people who do anything with black lives matter.  But try to use that logic and say that he represents all ex military and boy do the righties get upset about that.  
They try the silly assed tactic of saying "why don't they care about black on black crime"..maybe they wouldn't be so pissed if some of the black guys who are killed by cops are killed in the act of fleeing from killing another black guy.  But most seem to be killed for speeding, carrying weed, shoplifting,  or selling loose cigarettes on the streets of NYC.
Do you guys realize just how ridiculous you sound? summarily executed for selling loose cigarettes in NYC? Try he resisted arrest and that caused a chain of events that led to his death. when a cop tells you you're under arrest it isn't optional.
KCFlyer said:
And here's a good cop that says "I've been part of the problem".   So What?  You want a community to change?  Why not change with them?  You know, when Ferguson was going on - KC is just a short drive down the highway.  We didn't have "sympathy riots"...but we DID have protests.  The police chief TOLD the community that they had a right to protest....they WANTED them to be able to exercise that right.  Then they did something different - they just said "please don't do anything stupid".   And you never read about the protests in KC because nothing happened.  
KC has a pretty large black population and the BR gunman was from here.  He was a rogue. He was mentally ill.  But the righties would love to say that he represents all blacks in KC. Just like he represents all people who do anything with black lives matter.  But try to use that logic and say that he represents all ex military and boy do the righties get upset about that.  
They try the silly assed tactic of saying "why don't they care about black on black crime"..maybe they wouldn't be so pissed if some of the black guys who are killed by cops are killed in the act of fleeing from killing another black guy.  But most seem to be killed for speeding, carrying weed, shoplifting,  or selling loose cigarettes on the streets of NYC.
Seem big word  Kemosabe 
Zom JFK said:
Do you guys realize just how ridiculous you sound? summarily executed for selling loose cigarettes in NYC? Try he resisted arrest and that caused a chain of events that led to his death. when a cop tells you you're under arrest it isn't optional.
As I expected - you didn't watch the video.  5 cops took a guy down.  "If he would have just complied, this wouldn't have happened" .  How about trying to treat the guy like a person?  Too much kum bah ya I guess.    But that happened in New York and not Chicago, so odds are pretty good that there wasn't any "black on black" crime going on at the time that they could have been trying to stop;.  5 cops on a fat guy is much more fun anyways. 
KCFlyer said:
As I expected - you didn't watch the video.  5 cops took a guy down.  "If he would have just complied, this wouldn't have happened" .  How about trying to treat the guy like a person?  Too much kum bah ya I guess.    But that happened in New York and not Chicago, so odds are pretty good that there wasn't any "black on black" crime going on at the time that they could have been trying to stop;.  5 cops on a fat guy is much more fun anyways. 
The issue is people do not want to comply with lawful orders from the police.
Zom JFK said:
Do you guys realize just how ridiculous you sound? summarily executed for selling loose cigarettes in NYC? Try he resisted arrest and that caused a chain of events that led to his death. when a cop tells you you're under arrest it isn't optional.
There's nothing ridiculous about it. No trial, no verdict, no nothing. Those aren't "optional," under our justice system. Instead, he got the death penalty for selling "loosies."
What's the use. You guys just don't get it. These guys were not executed. Only a fool could see it that way. You act as if the cop walked up and shot him for selling loose cigarettes. If he didn't resist he would probably be alive today.

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