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Gso - A Shadow Of It's Former Self


Nov 9, 2003
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Piedmont Triad International Traffic Rises

Delta Air Lines has grown its leading position in the Triad. Through May, Delta's traffic reached 217,223 passengers, up 5 percent compared to the same period last year.

US Airways got 144,489 passengers in the first five months of the year, down 4 percent from last year.

BoeingBoy said:
Piedmont Triad International Traffic Rises

Delta Air Lines has grown its leading position in the Triad. Through May, Delta's traffic reached 217,223 passengers, up 5 percent compared to the same period last year.

US Airways got 144,489 passengers in the first five months of the year, down 4 percent from last year.

Count me among those who have defected to DL. The staff in GSO WAS in my opinion one of the best in the system until it was decimated by this management. The schedule was efficient and convenient from a business traveler perspective. Management and the brain trust destroyed that as well. And I can't tell you how many other loyal US travelers out of GSO just simply refused to fly the Barbie Jets when the option was a MD88.

Folks if you ever wanted to see a hard an fast case of the effect of the decisions of this management team, look no further than these numbers. Their decisions alone have resulted in these dismal numbers.
GSO is a hell of a market..... GSO is projected to out pace CLT and RDU combined in growth over the next 5-15 years. They're constructing a new parallel 10,000 runway; FedEx is opening a major hub. The best we can do against Delta’s 11 MD-80's is 3 737's. The first 737 to CLT runs full 7 days a week and the next flight, an RJ takes denied boarding 7 days a week. It’s not a mater of passengers not wanting to fly USAir; the company just doesn’t see fit to serve the market????? If they would put a couple of 737's on GSO / LGA we could get most of that market back from Delta.
One other thought. You have to look at GSO-CLT as one regional market with two airports. If you are going to compete with Delta in "that" market you have to go toe to toe with them at both airports. Delta is sucking the life out of CLT using GSO.
I remember (back when USAir confirmed that they were taking over Piedmont Airlines) a Delta executive was quoted as saying, "Our prayers have been answered!"
They're constructing a new parallel 10,000 runway; FedEx is opening a major hub.

One of the biggest reasons I chose FedEx after the furlough in CHS. Opportunity of xfer to aviation environment in Piedmont country. The truck is ok but I miss those a/c.

blueoceans said:
I remember (back when USAir confirmed that they were taking over Piedmont Airlines) a Delta executive was quoted as saying, "Our prayers have been answered!"

Obviously he was intimately familiar with USAir's cool northern efficiency.

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