Ground Control to Major Tom......

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The US Airline Pilots Association ?

NO ! you don't say ? the same group that took out a full page ADD in USA today trying to scare the public into not flying US Airways ? :lol: :lol:

Seriously , if you don't want to work anymore , just sign up for one of the many furloughs our company offers from time to time ... really , please , i encourage you to do so ..

here's a quote from the article

"US Airways' pilots union said Monday it is concerned a deal with Delta Air Lines to swap takeoff and landing slots could lead to higher fares and a reduction in service to smaller communities"

NO!!!!! you mean we could actually make money !? NO!!!!!

i'm sure at this point some USAPA rep will come on and say that they have some duty to their memebers who are being affected by XYZ event , yada yada ... well you also have a duty to every single one of your pilots who wants to keep working ... if our company goes under EVERYONE loses their jobs , that includes the union reps ..
Its like watching a circular firing squad.

Oh well, someone in the union is making money doing stupid things...
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