Governor: Colorado pot market exceeds tax hopes

Glenn Quagmire said:
As for those laws governing sexual acts, la to di do took that exactly how I thought.
Stop trying to make it appear like you laid some clever trap I fell into. You asked me a question I gave you a truthful answer. 
Glenn Quagmire said:
He would want the government to force those laws. Yep, he is for small government...except he wants larger enforcement of laws that states clearly do not want.
Examine my answer.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
My state DOES have laws that ban certain types of sexual acts between man and wife.
Chances are your state does to.
No. The laws are NOT enforced.
There is no opinion given in that answer.
Ms Tree said:
Just to clarify. Colorado passes an amendment by a 10% margin and you are against that. A young girl and her parents come up with a creative entrepreneurial idea and sell over 100 boxes of cookies and you are against that also. 
Selling Girl Scout cookies is NOT news. This is nothing more than liberal propaganda. Admit it.
Ms Tree said:
So you are against states rights, against capitalism but for a strong central government yet you call your self a conservative?
I never said anything other than our liberal president picks and chooses what laws he wants to enforce to push his socialist agenda. You have a very active imagination. 
Ms Tree said:
Yep. Fed law trumps state law. 
Yes it does.
Ms Tree said:
Perhaps Obama see the writing on the wall that enforcing a policy that has cost the US tax payer a fortune and has failed on virtually every level is not a good way to spend US tax money.
Obama makes it a habit to make decisions on behalf of the American people. He knows what is best for you. 
Ms Tree said:
 Unless of course you want the US to wast another trillion.
Wasting a trillion... Obamacare will fill that gap.
Ms Tree said:
I assume you are equally upset about the KS and AL gun laws? After all, they are ignoring Federal law right?
Post a link. I will get back with you.
Glenn Quagmire said:
All I did was post the article. I added none of my own comments yet you and la it da want to somehow make me part of the story?

I thought it was ingenious. I am willing to bet the closest McDonalds to the dispensary has doubled business as well.
So you are saying I was 100% right about your position.
It is not hard to figure out a libtard's position on anything.
Liberals are conditioned to think a certain way.
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La Li Lu Le Lo said:
My state DOES have laws that ban certain types of sexual acts between man and wife.
Chances are your state does to.
No. The laws are NOT enforced.
Because those laws were ruled unconstitutional by the SCOTUS.
Glenn Quagmire said:
"Girl Scout sells 117 cookie boxes in two hours outside pot dispensary"

"Want to sell a lot of Girl Scout Cookies? Set up shop outside a pot dispensary.

Just about everyone loves Girl Scout Cookies. And one 13-year-old girl came up with an ingenious strategy to significantly boost her sales: setting up shop outside a San Francisco medical marijuana dispensary.

In a major surprise to no one, it was a huge hit, with Danielle Lei selling 117 boxes in just two hours.

Danielle’s mother Carol said she supervised the sale on Monday and that it was the second time she’s allowed her two daughters to sell their Girl Scout Cookies outside of a Green Cross establishment.

"You put it in terms that they may understand," Carol said in an interview with Mashable, who first reported the story. "I'm not condoning it, I'm not saying go out in the streets and take marijuana [...] It also adds a little bit of cool factor. I can be a cool parent for a little bit."

And for a little context on just how intertwined these two things are, one of the more popular and potent strains of medical marijuana is in fact called Girl Scout Cookies.

In fact, the website Leafly says that the Girl Scout Cookies strain was invented by San Francisco-based rapper Berner. So, in a manner of speaking, it’s all coming full circle."
Smart girl!
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Selling Girl Scout cookies is NOT news. This is nothing more than liberal propaganda. Admit it.

I never said anything other than our liberal president picks and chooses what laws he wants to enforce to push his socialist agenda. You have a very active imagination. 

Yes it does.

Obama makes it a habit to make decisions on behalf of the American people. He knows what is best for you. 

Wasting a trillion... Obamacare will fill that gap.

Post a link. I will get back with you.
Selling over 100 boxes in an hour (IIRC) in front of a dispensary is pretty creative. Lots of net works like to put a 'feel good' story at the end of the news.

The courts have been striking down every case of marriage bans that have come before them. Two states have legalized recreational pot use and several others have legalized medicinal use. The tide is turning and there is no use fighting it. Obama knows this.

Thank you Cpt obvious

So do conservatives. What's your point?

So you would rather waste two trillion?

Why? You don't look anything up now so why should I waste my time? If you want to be spoon fed go talk to your parents. It's not my job and I'm not going to waste my time. If you want to look it up look for states who have gone against federal law. You might find it there.
“Prohibition… goes beyond the bounds of reason in that it attempts to control a man’s appetite by legislation and makes a crime out of things that are not crimes. A prohibition law strikes a blow at the very principles upon which our government was founded.”
— Abraham Lincoln, December 1840″
xUT said:
“Prohibition… goes beyond the bounds of reason in that it attempts to control a man’s appetite by legislation and makes a crime out of things that are not crimes. A prohibition law strikes a blow at the very principles upon which our government was founded.”
— Abraham Lincoln, December 1840″
Ms Tree said:
Why? You don't look anything up now so why should I waste my time? If you want to be spoon fed go talk to your parents. It's not my job and I'm not going to waste my time. If you want to look it up look for states who have gone against federal law. You might find it there.
Are you refusing my request?
I said I would look at it.
Put up or shut up.
Wonder when Harry Reid is going to introduce legislation decriminalizing marijuana at the federal level ?
Weed for votes program.
Imagine the eyes on Colorado and their stunning tax revenue success..............49 Governors with wood.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Are you refusing my request?
I said I would look at it.
Put up or shut up.
Im refusing to do your work for you. Look it up your self or dont. I do not care.
delldude said:
Wonder when Harry Reid is going to introduce legislation decriminalizing marijuana at the federal level ?
Weed for votes program.
Imagine the eyes on Colorado and their stunning tax revenue success..............49 Governors with wood.
I just saw a couple today who said no way. One was Rick Perry.
Glenn Quagmire said:
I just saw a couple today who said no way. One was Rick Perry.
First is the Federal level.
I still think when other states see the revenue...especially with ones with public pension fund issues.....
We can stone our way back to economic growth.