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GOD BLESS you APFA, and THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aug 20, 2002
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I swear on the souls of my loved ones, that I am So thankful, that I may call you my UNION CO-workers !!!!!!!!!!

533 NO voters, voted in a FAIR election, and told AA NO

Now AA(with wards help) is going to TRY to FIX this election.

AS the ONLY REAL UNION ON THE PROPERTY, (for the sake of us SUFFERING UNION PEOPLE, who''s leadership has sold out LONG AGO),
PLEASE do EVERYTHING in your power to see that the NO VOTE total increases, and this POS contract is jammed up AA''s ass.

I''m speaking from the heart, when I say that
Your gals/guys are ALL WE HAVE LEFT. YOU are the LAST of the MOHICANS !!

PLZ call your co-workers and do EVERYTHING POSSIBLE, to UNDUE this attempted injustice.

You MUST FIGHT FIRE with FIRE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Again, I say with PRIDE,
GOD BLESS you APFA, and THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!

(weak sister) TWU
Do us all a favor, don''t cave like we did! Finally, a group of airline employees who have balls! Way to go APFA!!!
(By GOD),That last post by PITbull says it ALL !!!!!!!!

I SINCERELY hope that ALL you APFA Members REALLY know how much WE need you, tomorrow !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PROUD to call you " UNION CO-WORKER" !!!!!!!!!!!!

In Brotherhood,
Wish I could say the same for our BOD, they voted 13-5 for a re-vote. Chaos has ensued on the AA4M.

The 5 No Re-votes were STL (*!* the ones that lose the most), DCA, LAX, IDF, and IMA...fairly positive w/o heading over there.

Gotta say, there have been many p*ss*ng matches on this board regarding seniority issues but I now have mad-respect for Sherry Cooper. Can''t believe MIA, BOS, BOS-I, LGA, and JFK chairs let us down. Maybe this is a Union Buster, but nice to know we made at least one final stand. Perhaps we will make another tomorrow. It would be so delicious and ironic if AA/APFA approved changing/extending the vote and the "NO" vote went up.

This may sound like career sabotage but voting "YES" was career-suicide anyway. Damned if ya do, damned if ya don''t. After 7-1/2 yrs w/ AA, I am tired of the strong-arming, threats, et. al. Would''ve given them anything reasonable (see UA T/A W/O your spin, Miss Jane). They said, "my way or the highway". We''ll see.


p.s. for all of you who are mad at the "greedy" APFA, my W2 for 2002 is $22,000+ with less than $4,000 non-taxable income (per diem). If this T/A passes, I go from 23 to 14 V/C days not paid at a normal 40/wk job. MGMT keeps their 6 wks. We had finally negotiated a few paid holidays. Only got 3 or 4. I don''t mind the base rates of pay. The work rules are killing this!!!

I will totally accept the base cuts but not work rules!
From a member of AFA of U to all of YOU at AA...God Bless you for your collective strength and courage in the face of great risk YOU ARE ALL TRUE CHAMPIONS!!

I am so proud to call all of you brothers and sisters in union solidarity!

You Go!

Tell managment's Union Busters to go to H--l!
On 4/15/2003 9:31:58 PM flydcoop wrote:


As scary as it is, I am proud to have voted according to my deepest beliefs. "NO!" Perhaps you all saw me pushing "yes" 1-1/2 wks ago...a lot has changed.

No matter what happens, I refuse to be bullied or chastised. I know why I voted "NO". I am not changing this in 24hrs unless the T/A changes.

I''m shocked at the TWU, not the APA though.

I would rather take the chance of actual negotiations in B/K (see UA T/A vs. AA T/A, forget Jane Allen) than vote "Yes" with these threats.

Interesting that we wanted the ability to vote change before the results, BIG FAT NO. Now that the vote is out (and NO), this is kosher? Guess some people didn''t get the results they wanted and the fact that we did not file BK today speaks for itself. It all is sure being blamed on us though.

How will it look in the business world for AA to file BK over a little F/A union? Couldn''t manage the "girls", huh?

The only way I will change my vote is to "HELL NO!"




I''m actually sitting here with "watery eyes", feeling like a liberated IRAQI civilian, and realizing that THE ONLY HOPE we EVER HAD, is you "AMERICANS"(APFA) !!!!!!!


As you can plainly see, you gals/guys not only "represent" us "unrepresented" twu members, you also have the gratitude of EVERY UNION GROUP in this crazy industry.

I''ve said it a THOUSAND TIMES, "NOBODY has more "intestinal fortitude" today, than APFA, "NOBODY" !!!

Just ask Bob Crandall in ''93'' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PLZ get on your cell phones, E-mails, what ever it takes for tommorow, to see JUSTICE DONE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Many thanks,
On 4/15/2003 10:07:20 PM NewHampshire Black Bears wrote:

What is the AA4M ??

It is a members'' only nAAtive flight attendant message board.

As scary as it is, I am proud to have voted according to my deepest beliefs. "NO!" Perhaps you all saw me pushing "yes" 1-1/2 wks ago...a lot has changed.

No matter what happens, I refuse to be bullied or chastised. I know why I voted "NO". I am not changing this in 24hrs unless the T/A changes.

I''m shocked at the TWU, not the APA though.

I would rather take the chance of actual negotiations in B/K (see UA T/A vs. AA T/A, forget Jane Allen) than vote "Yes" with these threats.

Interesting that we wanted the ability to vote change before the results, BIG FAT NO. Now that the vote is out (and NO), this is kosher? Guess some people didn''t get the results they wanted and the fact that we did not file BK today speaks for itself. It all is sure being blamed on us though.

How will it look in the business world for AA to file BK over a little F/A union? Couldn''t manage the "girls", huh?

The only way I will change my vote is to "HELL NO!"

AA may want to bring it down to WN (SW) costs but that is unreasonable.

They have stated that they really don''t want to do a full-on SW, plus we fly 6 different a/c not to mention internationally.

Only 2 of those are non-Boeing and the little Dutch oven may be leaving very soon.

IMO, it is not realistic to expect AA to meet WN costs. We are totally different entities.

I respect WN to the ends of the earth but we are always going to be a bit higher.

I usually don''t comment on other airline boards, but I have to say I am also proud to see APFA stand up to their management.

Take a look at what happened at US Airways. We voted to "save" our airline. Promises were made, promises broken with frightening speed. And the plunder goes on; $6 million in bonuses for "bright and talented" retention pay, 5% pay deferral here, sick time penalties there. Our pilots were cheated out of a rightfully earned pension. And we now have 6 years of this garbage to live with. Don''t let this happen to you!

I''ve come to believe that all this "voting on a T/A" is a hoax. It only gives management a way to appear to take a moral highground when in reality they''re taking hostages at gunpoint.

My heart and prayers go out to all the employees at American. I hope you don''t end up like US. After all you''ve been through, you don''t deserve to be treated like scapegoats for mAAngement. Stand tall and proud.
