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Glading Slate Wins

I would say this is a typical vote turnout. Look how many people dont vote nationally. I will say its been my observation that the non voters are the biggest whiners and complainers.
A better more honest union would draw more passion and votes.

While I agree with you on the WAARD issue, I still marvel at how eaten up with bitterness you are.

Just can't help yourself, can you?

Maybe you should take up golf.
While I agree with you on the WAARD issue, I still marvel at how eaten up with bitterness you are.

Just can't help yourself, can you?

Maybe you should take up golf.

Actually I'm more concerned about the levels of awareness among AA F/As who continue to see JW as some knd of hero when several legal documents suggest he is closer to a criminal. Bitter, no just concerned about a group of decent people possibly electing someone who has done great harm to many.
We like to call it the Dallas factor. Logic, reason and intelligence are thrown out the window. Its not just the union, (see last presidential election).
We like to call it the Dallas factor. Logic, reason and intelligence are thrown out the window. Its not just the union, (see last presidential election).

There does seem to be a backwater like approach from some posters in that area, especially JN and several of his backers and admirers.