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Giving Away The Store

hopethingswillbeok said:
I have seen Cohen and his friends,(not family) fly first class all on the same Corp travel card. When you only have eight seats in first class and Cohen and four of his friends is sitting up there on a full flight, how much revenue did we miss out on, knowing someone was willing to pay for it, also the oversales we took on the flight.

As for CBS, they give anything away. I have seen them agree to pay for someones nails to be done, because their nail kit was in their bag.

This is just one of the MANY areas of operation this company needs to clean up and save money. Literally millions of dollars a month are going out the door because if inept policies. We PAY people to get off our airplanes in oversales, then we PAY other carriers to take them. Talk about stupidity when CCY is crying to us about our labor cost. They need to get the house in order first. But that would take a job with accountability and ethics, this company has neither.
TravelGirl21 said:
speaking of giving away the store... what the hell is wrong with cbs.. i thought you had 24 hrs b4 we start giving money out......
i took a claim at 530 pm... and when i checked back on the record to see if the bag came in... 3hrs later at 830pm...... cbs authorized 100.00 each.... what are they thinking......
lets just give it all away... someone needs to talk to cbs and tell them to cut the crap and tighten the money belt....

CBS is not a happy group right now. As part of their "negotiations" with the Company, I am using this term loosely, DMSC and CBS may be outsourced and the employees will have a chance to come to Reservations. I think the tone I am getting is one of feeling like they have been sold out.
I think most work groups feel sold out...even and especially res...I speak with several Travelocity and Expedia reps on a daily basis, I can't understand them, and it irritates me that they don't have a clue what to do with purchased tickets or changes that we have to educate them...makes me angry....I know when it comes to outsourcing the company is determined, so even our time in res is limited....I hope they know they'll get what they pay for...someone with little knowledge of how to handle day to day questions...and someone hard to understand...
Schatzee said:
CBS is not a happy group right now. As part of their "negotiations" with the Company, I am using this term loosely, DMSC and CBS may be outsourced and the employees will have a chance to come to Reservations. I think the tone I am getting is one of feeling like they have been sold out.

Let me get this straight, they are going to allow them to go to res? Eventhough they are trying to get rid of res, they are allowing people to transfer in to res? Makes no sense.
markkus757 said:
Is it fair? Of course not. But tell me honestly you wouldn't trade places in a heartbeat.
I wouldn't want to be around you with a thousand dollars in my pocket. Thanks for yet another clue as to the nature of your integrity.
4merresrat said:
Let me get this straight, they are going to allow them to go to res? Eventhough they are trying to get rid of res, they are allowing people to transfer in to res? Makes no sense.
Yes and one wonders why no one has any faith in CCY.......
Siegel shouldn't even put his family in that situation, must be embarassing for them too, all for the sake of $10K in tix.

I wouldn't subject my family to that abuse.

Also I don't understand why the airline unions have failed to exercise their power to end free flight priveleges for executives?

Do the union leaders also get free flights? Perhaps that is the answer!
whatkindoffreshhell said:
Siegel shouldn't even put his family in that situation, must be embarassing for them too, all for the sake of $10K in tix.

I wouldn't subject my family to that abuse.

Also I don't understand why the airline unions have failed to exercise their power to end free flight priveleges for executives?

Do the union leaders also get free flights? Perhaps that is the answer!
I'm sure they weren't "subjected to any abuse" since our employees are the best in the business and do the very best job they can...... while pulling that shiv out of their backs!
You'd think that Siegel could afford to PAY for tickets with part of the $4.5 MILLION DOLLAR bonus he got when he quit. That just shows you what an utterly cheap screw he and his friends are.
Winglet said:
You'd think that Siegel could afford to PAY for tickets with part of the $4.5 MILLION DOLLAR bonus he got when he quit. That just shows you what an utterly cheap screw he and his friends are.

That shows the nature and greed of all those in that infestation in CCY. Their world is controlled by MONEY and lots of it. Most would sell their soul to the devil if they could get enuf cash in the deal. It's way past the amount we need to live and feed our family, it's obscene what those make there and still grapple for more.
I wasn't talking about stealing. These guys are technically not stealing. The BOD approves of these benefits. That's who your venom should be focused on, not the recipients. If they are not approved benefits, then prosecute them and bring them to justice. Again, I'm not saying it's fair either. DCD - don't read into my post, I happen to think that I'm a very honest person in life. I just was thinking out loud about getting something given to me for once in life, just like the rest of us would like.
whatkindoffreshhell said:
Also I don't understand why the airline unions have failed to exercise their power to end free flight priveleges for executives?

Do the union leaders also get free flights? Perhaps that is the answer!

Most likely. At most carriers, the union presidents and vice presidents and their families usually get reserved not-removable-for-oversales-without-consent travel, regardless if it is business or personal.
Former ModerAAtor said:
Most likely. At most carriers, the union presidents and vice presidents and their families usually get reserved not-removable-for-oversales-without-consent travel, regardless if it is business or personal.

That might be true at AA, but not sure at U. It seems you have to actually BE on biz. A CSR, RES., or PITBULL could anwer that one. I don't mind for any current employee in management or union rep, but Mr. Siegle is OFF the payroll.
It's truly pathetic that we do this. It's one thing....... MAYBE... to offer this perk to current upper management, but to offer it to has-been US Airways employees is terrible.....especially since we charge retirees who put in years more service than the has-beens for SPACE AVAILABLE travel. It just ain't right!
That might be true at AA, but not sure at U. It seems you have to actually BE on biz. A CSR, RES., or PITBULL could anwer that one. I don't mind for any current employee in management or union rep, but Mr. Siegle is OFF the payroll.

I don't think the Officers of the union have space positive personal travel- I don't think even the BOD union members have it either even when all the others on the Board do.
Actually it doesn't bother me that the active employees have this perk, but they really ought to restrict the booking code and make it so you cannot book more than two weeks out.
How do the US1 and US2 feel when they are WL for first class for weeks and up in front you have some ex vp and his friends and family sitting there, on the company CC, booked in F class months ahead of time. It just doesn't seem right. Then the company comes out with some employee "reward" program and what do you have to do- find a seat available because they are restricted, and you can't even change your mind once you do. Oh yes, they were for the front line employees but because this company cannot say no to management they had to open it up for all.
Now I don't think a manager gets a review when they call off sick, but you can bet every res agent sure does, why in the world are they being "rewarded" as well. I don't get it.