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Giving Away The Store

markkus757 said:
Is it fair? Of course not. But tell me honestly you wouldn't trade places in a heartbeat.
These ex VIP's show they have no integrity at all by even considering flying for free under the current circumstances. They should consider how it looks to the front line employees who have been making the never ending sacrifices to keep this company running while loosing benefit after fringe benefit. I think what they are doing is vulgar. So no, I wouldn't trade places with them but I guess you would huh? That was my point sorry for not making it crystal clear the first time.
A year ago or so, I was shocked when someone showed me a PNR that showed a director of a certain department and his family, wife, kids and parents listed Positive Space First Class to the Caribbean and they were listed NRSP Company Business. I wanted to hurl. Since when do spouses, parents and children get to travel on Company Business? There went another $10,000 into the management waste file.
Sometimes dreams do come true,,,,,,,, 😀 🙄

Track news that interests you.

US Airways, in its latest effort to cut costs under bankruptcy protection, is stripping former executives and board members of their ability to travel free in first class, the airline said yesterday.

The move affects about 200 people, including the former chief executive, David N. Siegel, who resigned in April, and his predecessor, Stephen M. Wolf, who left in 2002.

The group was notified of the change in a letter from the airline's chief executive, Bruce R. Lakefield, which was mailed on Wednesday. Current board members and senior executives are not affected by the change.

The former executives and directors will still be able to fly free in coach, when space is available. But, they will have to give up those seats if a flight is oversold, meaning that the men and women who once handled the airline's most critical decisions can now be bumped for paying passengers.

Airlines traditionally have given free lifetime flying privileges to senior executives and directors as a perk. At US Airways, the 200 officers were able to book confirmed seats in first class free, although the benefit was taxable.

Lesser-ranking employees and their families can fly in coach class when space is available, and they can stand by for first class but are required to pay a fee if they get first-class seats. They can also be bumped if a flight is oversold. The benefit often continues after an employee retires, although airlines have started to limit how many free flights retired employees can book each year.

Christopher L. Chiames, US Airways senior vice president for corporate affairs, said last night that the airline did not expect to save a significant amount of money by eliminating the free first-class flights.

But he added, "We're changing the way we do business in multiple ways, and this is just one of them."

The move comes as US Airways is striving to cut spending so it can emerge from its second bankruptcy protection in two years. It filed for Chapter 11 protection on Sept. 12, after workers would not agree to $900 million in wage and benefit cuts.

Since then, the company has increased its demand for concessions to $1 billion a year. Yesterday, a federal bankruptcy court judge heard the first arguments in US Airways' bid to set aside contracts covering some unions, and replace them with less expensive terms. The federal bankruptcy code permits companies to void their labor contracts, if they can prove they cannot survive unless expenses are cut.

The airline also announced a tentative deal yesterday with the Communications Workers of America, which represents 6,000 customer service and reservations agents. The union did not release details. US Airways has already reached a deal with its pilots' union on $300 million a year in wage and benefit cuts.

Talks are continuing with mechanics and with flight attendants, who threatened to strike the airline if their contract is set aside. The communications workers had made a similar threat. Yesterday, US Airways said it would seek a court injunction to order striking workers to return to their jobs if they walk out.

In October, Judge Steven Mitchell imposed emergency pay cuts of 21 percent on the unions, with the exception of its pilots. The cuts are set to expire on Feb. 15. Salaried employees have taken cuts of 5 percent to 10 percent, although Mr. Lakefield has not taken a cut.
TravelGirl21 said:
Sometimes dreams do come true,,,,,,,, 😀 🙄

Track news that interests you.

US Airways, in its latest effort to cut costs under bankruptcy protection, is stripping former executives and board members of their ability to travel free in first class, the airline said yesterday.

The move affects about 200 people, including the former chief executive, David N. Siegel, who resigned in April, and his predecessor, Stephen M. Wolf, who left in 2002.

The group was notified of the change in a letter from the airline's chief executive, Bruce R. Lakefield, which was mailed on Wednesday. Current board members and senior executives are not affected by the change.

The former executives and directors will still be able to fly free in coach, when space is available. But, they will have to give up those seats if a flight is oversold, meaning that the men and women who once handled the airline's most critical decisions can now be bumped for paying passengers.

Airlines traditionally have given free lifetime flying privileges to senior executives and directors as a perk. At US Airways, the 200 officers were able to book confirmed seats in first class free, although the benefit was taxable.

Lesser-ranking employees and their families can fly in coach class when space is available, and they can stand by for first class but are required to pay a fee if they get first-class seats. They can also be bumped if a flight is oversold. The benefit often continues after an employee retires, although airlines have started to limit how many free flights retired employees can book each year.

Christopher L. Chiames, US Airways senior vice president for corporate affairs, said last night that the airline did not expect to save a significant amount of money by eliminating the free first-class flights.

But he added, "We're changing the way we do business in multiple ways, and this is just one of them."

Its about time that theses bennies are revoked. Wonder if they still keep using the company UATPs?
This is the BS that they say publically. You watch. They'll still get their free first class travel. They'll just be issued tickets coded like they actually paid for them.

You all aren't really naive enough to think that it's actually true, do you?
TravelGirl21 said:
Sometimes dreams do come true,,,,,,,, 😀 🙄

Track news that interests you.

US Airways, in its latest effort to cut costs under bankruptcy protection, is stripping former executives and board members of their ability to travel free in first class, the airline said yesterday.

The move affects about 200 people, including the former chief executive, David N. Siegel, who resigned in April, and his predecessor, Stephen M. Wolf, who left in 2002.

I'm not ready to believe this is true, but, if it is there is a god. Stevie Wolf in a center seat with his knees touching his chin. I love it!
Let's just see what i'm reading into this...'culture of greed' 'Seigal' 'Cohen'? Think about this...even if the rumours are 1/10th true of what these people have from this company, it is only a nanometer (1/1 billionth) above scum. I am embarassed to say I USED to work for USAirways,explaining who they are and why they're there. Would rather pay my last dime than to go beg for a seat...But, I guess they weren't begging for seats. Shameful really. Maybe they are Republicans?
To good to be true, Thnk about it, when they travel their tickets show that they are on a paid FULL F8 Ticket, of course if you look at the way it was paid for it a Company Credit Card, so unless you know all of Cohens, Wolfs and whomever else friends and family you would have no idea that these are not just regular passengers on a F8 ticket. They Company knows this and it was just put out there for us to feel better. Now Cohen and his friends are traveling taking 5 First class seats, I am oversold and I look and see that they all show that they purchased a full F8 ticket, I am going to take them off, I don't think so............THIS IS A JOKE
To good to be true, Thnk about it, when they travel their tickets show that they are on a paid FULL F8 Ticket, of course if you look at the way it was paid for it a Company Credit Card, so unless you know all of Cohens, Wolfs and whomever else friends and family you would have no idea that these are not just regular passengers on a F8 ticket. They Company knows this and it was just put out there for us to feel better. Now Cohen and his friends are traveling taking 5 First class seats, I am oversold and I look and see that they all show that they purchased a full F8 ticket, I am going to take them off, I don't think so............THIS IS A JOKE
Yeah they revoked first class.....right!!!! All they will do is use air travel cards that the company pays and circumvent the whole thing.Smoke and mirrors. The Cronies past and present give up nothing. Ok, they took a pay cut in managment, but they tell you nothing about the padding of the expense accts. I've been here 22 years and learned a few things.
1) The worse you are the farther you go in this company.
2) The morons running and ruining this company have no idea of loyalty.
3) It's the lowly workers. The agts at the airport who check you in ,the people loading your bags, the resv agts the FA's and pilots who are this company.The reason people fly us.

Some people fly us because they were forced to by expedia and the likes , but I have met many people who fly us for the friendly service we give. Even treated like C**P we still give they a smile a good svc. Unfortunatly our marketing dept has no idea and would rather send a moron running around DC and Phila then have the front line employees do a real ad.
bookmdano said:
A year ago or so, I was shocked when someone showed me a PNR that showed a director of a certain department and his family, wife, kids and parents listed Positive Space First Class to the Caribbean and they were listed NRSP Company Business. I wanted to hurl. Since when do spouses, parents and children get to travel on Company Business? There went another $10,000 into the management waste file.

Oh it was more than that. First class was full and the 6 paying passengers were PULLED out to make room and put on Other Airline to get home. Wonder how much that cost US?
I guess they will have to take their Lears to their destinations now. Boo Hoo, Boo Hoo! That is goint to hurt them.