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Giving Away The Store


Aug 22, 2002
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Now I've seen it all. On Thursday I checked in a pty of 3 pax going EWRPHX ,last name Seigel.Yep mom dad and brother of our former FLAWED LEADER.The thing that ticked me off was the were travelling in full F fares $3500 rt each.That would be nice if it was that they were using us and were were getting the nearly $11,000.
It was on an air travel card with a crystal city address. So we not only pay for Davy boy to travel but even his family. 🙁
I have seen that situation many times before here. All of our exec's, past and present, have Travel Credit Cards, billed to USAirway, that they charge travel for their families. Even Al Crellin and the Mrs. travel around purchasing full fare F tickets, charged to Usairway. often. But, I never see any of em traveling thru PHL. Wonder why? 😀
This kind of thing use to drive me up the wall too. Major holiday, flights ovebooked and in would come some big wig and off they would go. This is something that will NEVER change no matter how ridiculous and WRONG it is. Also, celebrities. Especially has-been celebrities, I remember once, this guy who use to be in those old Annette Funicello movies, he bought like a 98.00 rt ticket from Lax to Tpa and he was upgraded on the outbound-a non-upgradeable tkt. Someone had put a not for his return leg NOT to upgrade his return but they did anyways!! :down:
And all the exec's holding travel cards get unlimited access to the Clubs. Im sure they wouldn't want to hang around with all the riff raff in the boarding area. And the PNR's usually state they are NOT TO BE BUMPED under any circumstance. Yeah, life be good for those folks.
Then they want more & more from us. It's just not right. Some of us can hardly put food on the tables now let alone travel.
They can take any concessins & stick them where the sun no longer shines.
I am getting sick.....
I'd say the HE!! with them just bump them anyway! they are the saddest part of this airline anyways. may be if they check their bags in for their flt, woudl the bag travel to their destinations with them?? i know that if i saw mgmts bags checked i'd sure as heck would reroute it and not on usair but on say british air!!!!!!
Is it fair? Of course not. But tell me honestly you wouldn't trade places in a heartbeat.
Exactly why I'm ready to walk to make a stand. There's no money for this GD company except what they see fit....oh I can here it now, well you can quit. That is so tired. The captains for US Airways should refuse to carry Sleezegull OR Wolf. We know a certain captain wouldn't. :down:
markkus757 said:
Is it fair? Of course not. But tell me honestly you wouldn't trade places in a heartbeat.

In this life, or the one to come? 😉
speaking of giving away the store... what the hell is wrong with cbs.. i thought you had 24 hrs b4 we start giving money out......
i took a claim at 530 pm... and when i checked back on the record to see if the bag came in... 3hrs later at 830pm...... cbs authorized 100.00 each.... what are they thinking......
lets just give it all away... someone needs to talk to cbs and tell them to cut the crap and tighten the money belt....

markkus757 said:
Is it fair? Of course not. But tell me honestly you wouldn't trade places in a heartbeat.


I should think a good leader would lead by example. We don't see that here at US Airways. Employees are asked for major concessions, yet our executive management doesn't take cuts anywhere near what they ask from us. They still retain all the "perks" and benefits, including retirements and health care.

To tell you honestly, I wouldn't trade places in a heartbeat. My integrity means more to me than a few airplane rides.

This is a management that goes to court and asks for our contracts to voided while they took a 1% pay cut. I hope Judge Mitchell takes a good, long hard look at that. Seems to me that sauce for the goose should be sauce for the ganders.

markkus757 said:
Is it fair? Of course not. But tell me honestly you wouldn't trade places in a heartbeat.

I can honestly say no I wouldn't trade places. You know why? Because loads of money and/or amnemities ruins one's perception of reality. I have more fun with a bar full of bikers than a room full of stiffs.
I have posted on the subject so many times, and no one seemed to care. I have seen Cohen and his friends,(not family) fly first class all on the same Corp travel card. When you only have eight seats in first class and Cohen and four of his friends is sitting up there on a full flight, how much revenue did we miss out on, knowing someone was willing to pay for it, also the oversales we took on the flight.

As for CBS, they give anything away, just to get the person off of the phone. I have seen them agree to pay for someones nails to be done, because their nail kit was in their bag. I refuse to write a check for some of the things CBS has promised, have seen some folks buy twenty t-shirts for one night, which was paid.....
well why DOESN'T someone NOT let them on? Oops, i forgot, it was a mistake. Surey they wouldn't want the agent to bet in trouble for some little thing like a missed flight. Especiallly if they are going on vacation, they have all the time in the world. Let them feel what it is like to non-rev, it be good for em!