Give Me 4 And I'll Give You 5

I looked through the threads to see if someone mentioned this already. I do not want to talk about someone elses situation when I do not know them or all of the details of the exact situation. I just want to express my support for them.

Everyone that I have spoken to is behind you as well. Fight the good fight. The jackbooted thugs have gone too far.

As if morale was not bad enough. People are fed up and wont take the abuse....
CynicalResAgent said:
I looked through the threads to see if someone mentioned this already. I do not want to talk about someone elses situation when I do not know them or all of the details of the exact situation. I just want to express my support for them.

Everyone that I have spoken to is behind you as well. Fight the good fight. The jackbooted thugs have gone too far.

As if morale was not bad enough. People are fed up and wont take the abuse....
This is the most interesting thing that has happened in RES in years. For those who know...your fellow employees are behind you 100% and can not wait for the fur to start flying...Freedom of speech is a constitutional right that USAirways management cannot restrict or take away. "SO" sorry if it ruffles a few of the management quote one in management ...when one commented on the managements pay reductitions......."GET OVER IT".
I know that you want to be discreet, but what happened? I work in INT did this happen in INT or PIT? Can you elaborate a little?
I agree with livingontheedge, what happened??? Just a brief summary with no names would be good.
"Give Me 4 And I'll Give You 5"

someone wore a t-shirt with that slogan on it to work. Kind of a BIT too cryptic message regarding Mgmt's 5% pay cut. Mgmt ask this person to remove it and said person refused.

don't know about the big concern for descretion... the agent wore it to the res office... not a big secret who it was.

I share the frustration level, but, come on people... free speech stops when you start collecting the pay check. Quoting your constitutional right, just makes you sound silly.

The 2nd admendment says you have the right to bear arms, but you can't bring a gun to work..
ResRepGirl...thanx for explaining what happened. Do have to side with the agent on this one. In the code of conduct it states that no offensive clothing can be worn. Guess the only ones who were offended by the shirt was management. BTW a few years ago there was a loophole in the Florida constitution that allowed hand guns into the work place. Only took them a day or so to correct that.
"Give Me 4 And I'll Give You 5"

I like it. Where can I get one?! I think some enterprising rep ought to get a truckload and screen printed up. Instead of wearing red on Thursday the whole office can wear the shirt.
BTW a few years ago there was a loophole in the Florida constitution that allowed hand guns into the work place. Only took them a day or so to correct that.

What's scary about that? Try living in Texas where "Because he needed killin" is considered a valid defense in court. :lol:
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I was just trying to be discreet because at the time I heard that disciplinary action up to and including termination was possible....heard it's been dropped. I guess someone figured out that they could have a huge public relations problem, plus a very hard and expensive case to defend.
EightySix said:
"Give Me 4 And I'll Give You 5"
I like it. Where can I get one?! I think some enterprising rep ought to get a truckload and screen printed up. Instead of wearing red on Thursday the whole office can wear the shirt.

Sounds like the truth hurts!! BOO HOO!! F****** management power tripped cry babies, They should ALL be ashamed to show their faces and the #### judge who allowed 21% without adding it to management should be hung by his balls...oops, I forgot, he has none. Pissed? Damned right!! :angry: :angry: :down:

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