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Ghana Air Banned From Us...

desertfox said:
Here is the story on an airline from Peru that was banned.

Luxor Air was banned from France.

I'm sure there are some others over the years , either cargo or passenger due to failure to meet security requirements, or airworthiness.
Aero Cont was denied entry into the US because of the owners alleged ties to Drug Lords. It was not a safety issue.
Ghana Airways uses (I believe ) DC10 equipment on these routes. Maybe it's the
age of the airplanes that's part of the problem here.
Ghana does use DC10s. I was actually working the DC10 next door to the Ghana gate when it got banned in BWI last week We heard the call over the radio that they were grounded. The aircraft was still parked at BWI as of Friday.
Hello Newman said:
Ghana Airways uses (I believe ) DC10 equipment on these routes. Maybe it's the
age of the airplanes that's part of the problem here.
Its not the age, per se, of the plane, its the maintenance (or lack thereof) that is the big concern. NWs DC9s are some of the oldest out there, but are probably in better shape than some 3rd world countries planes 1/3 of the age. I'm sure theirs and Fed Exs DC10s are in great shape as well.
Fedex converted most or all of their DC-10s to MD-10s and went with the 2 man cockpit. This was done in the mid to late 90s. I am sure their planes are in great shape. Never had a package fail to go overnight on them. Just my thoughts.......
From what I have heard:

1) the airlines U.S. operating certificate had expired and Ghana Air had not bothered to renew it.

2) FAA issued directives against two DC-10s - effectively grounding them or forbidding them from flying, but the airline kept flying them anyhow.
ITRADE said:
From what I have heard:

1) the airlines U.S. operating certificate had expired and Ghana Air had not bothered to renew it.

2) FAA issued directives against two DC-10s - effectively grounding them or forbidding them from flying, but the airline kept flying them anyhow.
I was at BWI this past Wednesday and notice one of their DC-10 parked on the ramp. What a ratty looking aircraft. Ghana Air must have a gate at BWI as their name is displayed on a sign outside the BWI International Terminal.
Kev3188 said:
Interesting theory, but if it were age alone, why not stop NW or Fed Ex from flying Dc-10s?
NW or FedEx probably has a mtc program which is far superior to what Ghana Airways
has. Maybe Ghana Airway purchased their DC10's second or third hand and doesn't
have the facilities nor the means to keep their planes up to FAA standards. I'm no
mechanic, just offering my opinion.
Hello Newman said:
NW or FedEx probably has a mtc program which is far superior to what Ghana Airways
has. Maybe Ghana Airway purchased their DC10's second or third hand and doesn't
have the facilities nor the means to keep their planes up to FAA standards. I'm no
mechanic, just offering my opinion.
Ghana Airways has had a DC-10 grounded at BWI for many days at leasst once before, probably a little over a year ago. It sat out on the tarmack away from the terminal for quite awhile.

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