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getting screwed by us airways

If your letter was as poorly written and articulated as your post here, I can see why you were blown off. Your complaint will be taken much more seriously if you simply and quickly state facts and leave the emotion out. This is true of any company anywhere.
Reading your post was like listening to the teacher on a Peanuts special. While, if true, US Airways treatment of you may not had been correct, your response looks like it was written by an eight year old and the tantrum in it's tone as well.
Just wait to you see how things go after the 1st of the year, your experience won't seem so bad from what I'm hearing. :angry: :angry:
Judging by the responses on this forum, I can see why LCC has such a low appeal to customers, but I don't entirely blame the employees. The management at LCC has done nothing to encourage better customer service to the flying public. They treat their employees poorly, are doing nothing to bring ALL the employees together, and generally don't seem to have any idea what good customer service is. That's a shame, beacause I am sure there are many employees that want to be, and try their hardest to be customer advocates, but are just tired of the constant crap that continues to flow from higher up. Like I said, there are better airlines to fly. Empty airplanes are what will get there attention.
This is a 3 or 4 part series of complaints and information based letters we wrote after being delayed, delayed again, had our flight cancelled, etc...

We paid for First Class passage on a flight that was suppoosed to take off at 4:15pm on the 9th, land in Phoenix, pick up passengers, then fly to KC. THIS is what we paid good money for. What we got was:

No comp.. I was able to read through your letter.... and I wish you had asked for a refund because if you had first class tickets they were refundable and you could have bought a ticket on southwest prob for less ....

about people getting access to restricted area...some employees do not have to swipe badges but are authorized to go through the door.
Judging by the responses on this forum, I can see why LCC has such a low appeal to customers, but I don't entirely blame the employees. The management at LCC has done nothing to encourage better customer service to the flying public. They treat their employees poorly, are doing nothing to bring ALL the employees together, and generally don't seem to have any idea what good customer service is. That's a shame, beacause I am sure there are many employees that want to be, and try their hardest to be customer advocates, but are just tired of the constant crap that continues to flow from higher up. Like I said, there are better airlines to fly. Empty airplanes are what will get there attention.

Ding ding ding... we have a winner. Someone understands what many of us have been saying all along.

It's too bad the SandCastle has no clue about taking care of their own employees... and taking care of their customers.

Back on topic, the OP really needed someone to rewrite this letter for him, and to do it with a clear mind. Lord knows I've learned that lesson in the last 20 years. You don't catch flies with vinegar.
Judging by the responses on this forum, I can see why LCC has such a low appeal to customers, but I don't entirely blame the employees. The management at LCC has done nothing to encourage better customer service to the flying public. They treat their employees poorly, are doing nothing to bring ALL the employees together, and generally don't seem to have any idea what good customer service is. That's a shame, beacause I am sure there are many employees that want to be, and try their hardest to be customer advocates, but are just tired of the constant crap that continues to flow from higher up. Like I said, there are better airlines to fly. Empty airplanes are what will get there attention.

I have to somewhat disagree with you here. Companies all over the world deal with letters of complaint. That is a given. If the OP is still spewing here after some time it has taken to email and get a response, I dare say the email was probably one that was overlooked as coming from a nut job.

I would challenge the OP and any of you that want to put down the negative responses to reread what and how this complaint was written. Do you SERIOUSLY think ANYBODY is going to take it seriously? You can jump on the hate US Airways bandwagon all you want, but I would toss a letter like the OP's no matter WHAT company I worked for. The letter sounds like a person out of control PERIOD!!
Even better than complaining or writing a letter to the DOT, just don't fly with USAirways anymore. There are better airlines out there.
This could have happened with any airline..What airline runs 100% smoothly? Ur being ridiculous..Name 1 airline that never has a delay because of mechanical or never loses a bag or cancels a flight due to weather..??? Remember that Jetblue Valentines Day Fiasco with that Ice Storm at JFK..How simply we forget...Unexpected things happen with every airline...Just gotta be happy you make it from point A to Point B safely because thats all i worry about when I fly...Safety First
Some of these responses are astounding. It's as if you all are not consumers. Some of you are basically saying that because there is a slight chance of being treated with disrespect by a cashier at a store that if it happens to you just suck it up and move on. Are you kidding me? Sure the OP should have rewritten the letter BUT I see it as purely writing out their drama as it unfolded. Regardless of ALL airlines not always running at 100% means that this person should not be compensated for the mess? Again are any of you consumers? I think most are full of $H!T. If I were that person I would be upset and want resolution beyond a $5.00 meal voucher too. 🙄 This BS that an airline is ONLY responsible at the end of the day for getting you from point A to B is crap.
Some of these responses are astounding. It's as if you all are not consumers. Some of you are basically saying that because there is a slight chance of being treated with disrespect by a cashier at a store that if it happens to you just suck it up and move on. Are you kidding me? Sure the OP should have rewritten the letter BUT I see it as purely writing out their drama as it unfolded. Regardless of ALL airlines not always running at 100% means that this person should not be compensated for the mess? Again are any of you consumers? I think most are full of $H!T. If I were that person I would be upset and want resolution beyond a $5.00 meal voucher too. 🙄 This BS that an airline is ONLY responsible at the end of the day for getting you from point A to B is crap.

Well I can't speak for others who have responded, but let's put it on a local level. If you write Ask Inflight with the same kind of venom as the OP, do you think you will get a reply? Hell no! Infact, you will probably get called in for your behavior. I am all for listening to the OP's concerns and gripes, but not until he/she calms down and acts like an adult. YOU would ask the same of our passengers.
Ding ding ding... we have a winner. Someone understands what many of us have been saying all along.

It's too bad the SandCastle has no clue about taking care of their own employees... and taking care of their customers.

Back on topic, the OP really needed someone to rewrite this letter for him, and to do it with a clear mind. Lord knows I've learned that lesson in the last 20 years. You don't catch flies with vinegar.
Correct you are.
Especially when Parker and his entourage mention dont make this YOUR career--only a job. right you are Dougie boy- I work no OT. I do what BENFITS me NOT you.
YA want us working less hrs, no problemo, go something else going.I use this to my BENEFIT.

US has ALWAYS had Stingy management.
Just look at WN, their buyout earlier had been 43K for inside, 65K Rampers, and 140K forPilots..

Now that is a BUYOUT, Not this cheap biddley measley 4K after taxes for p/t and f/t 15K be 4 taxes.
Doug wake up and take tips from WN.

Ya got a LONG way to go..ya wont make it here .
Hmmm, it appears that you just signed up on this blog which is about 90% airline employees just to complain 4 times??? I find that very, very suspect. .
The OP most likely did'nt find this forum by accident, some unfortunate soul sitting next to her/him listening to the ranting probably told the OP about USAviation....
I'll agree that posting on here to complain about a customer experience will get you nowhere. As for their "tone" I don't think the person in customer service should be able to dictate whether their wronged customer be made right. Should they have said, "Your airline screwed me but please, oh please give me some money for my troubles"? I don't think they came across as being a spaz or overly crazed or angry. Actually it was quite descriptive though a bit out of order. Could the situation happen at any airline? Sure. It certainly doesn't make it right. 🙄
I certainly do not condone bad customer service and hope that any customer service employee would do their best to empathise with a "distressed" passenger. (And, as Non-Revs, we are all almost always "distressed", so we should know where you're coming from 🙂 ). Also, I'm sure that I'd "Love No Comp to Death" if I ever met him, "Bless his Little Heart", but, really ... Do you expect a tax refund when the freeway is closed due to an accident, bridge repair or a rock slide and you're late for an appointment? Do you expect reimbursment (sp?) for your gas and time when you drive ALL THE WAY to the STORE, and they are out of stock of the itme you came for ?

Always pack for one more day than you expect to be gone. Keep a good book in your carry-on (along with any necessary medications). Always carry food/water -- just in case. Always carry games or activities to keep your children entertained. If it's really THAT important that you are there "on time" -- have a plan B. When things go south, go the the bar, have a drink and some apps, and chill.

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