Gay marriage shift gives Obama fundraising boost

I guess it is a good thing there is no conflict between church and state. Asking for support is not in violation of the COTUS. Were Obama to offer funds to the churches or ask them to campaign for him that would be a clear violation. Perhaps that is why no one is complaining. There is nothing wrong with it.

How about when Obama told the Catholic Bishops they should be like his chosen administration Catholic leaders??

Or would giving Reverend Wright $150,000 to shut up count?
No idea what you are referring to regarding the Catholics.

There is not a shred of evidence to support the Wright allegation for if there were, the RNC would be all over it. As it stands, there is nothing but a bunch of hot air.

None of this has anything to do with equal rights.
Not yet he hasn't all he did was be the aggressor in Libya sans Declaration of War.

Let's find a Ron Paul Quote for the situation. Just a minute.

The economic policies of Obama brought us to where we are.

Back on topic

OOPS! Looks like a BOGO (Buy One Get One)

There's absolutely no difference between the operation in Libya and the invasion of Grenada. Niether was done with a Declaration of War. What does your man crush have to do with your claim? Does it prove you right, it does not. Massive fail!
There's absolutely no difference between the operation in Libya and the invasion of Grenada. Niether was done with a Declaration of War. What does your man crush have to do with your claim? Does it prove you right, it does not. Massive fail!

Boots on the ground in Grenada.
That's even worse!

Not talking about RR> Talking about Barak the War Monger Obama. Try to keep up..

All initiation of force is a violation of someone else's rights, whether initiated by an individual or the state, for the benefit of an individual or group of individuals, even if it's supposed to be for the benefit of another individual or group of individuals.
Ron Paul
Not talking about RR> Talking about Barak the War Monger Obama. Try to keep up..

We all know why you don't want to talk about RR. To do so would be to expose your hypocrisy and obvious double standard. Nice to see you admit RR was a war monger, in your own way bizzare way.
Like the fact the Obama is funded by the Same Banksters as Romney. It's all public record. Don't need Rush Limbago to tell me what to think.

Here's a list of the top ten contributors to the Obama campaign.
Microsoft, DLA Piper , University of California , Sidley Austin LLP, Google Inc, Harvard University, Comcast Corp, Skadden, Arps et al, Morgan & Morgan, and US Dept of State*.

Which bankers are you talking about?

*Employees of the State Dept, not the State Dept as an organization.
Here's a list of the top ten contributors to the Obama campaign.
Microsoft, DLA Piper , University of California , Sidley Austin LLP, Google Inc, Harvard University, Comcast Corp, Skadden, Arps et al, Morgan & Morgan, and US Dept of State*.

Which bankers are you talking about?

*Employees of the State Dept, not the State Dept as an organization.

The net of ALL contributions. Not just the top ten. When you include the PAC & Super Pac oney he has collected more money from Wall Street then ALL of the candidates combined.

So who ya voting for Mitt Sachs or Barack Goldman? Or was it Barack Sachs or Mitt Goldman? I voted for the guy who got NO MONEY from Wall Street and the Banksters, so my conscience is clear.
The net of ALL contributions. Not just the top ten. When you include the PAC & Super Pac oney he has collected more money from Wall Street then ALL of the candidates combined.

So who ya voting for Mitt Sachs or Barack Goldman? Or was it Barack Sachs or Mitt Goldman? I voted for the guy who got NO MONEY from Wall Street and the Banksters, so my conscience is clear.

You should be carefull with the name games because two can play that game. Ron neo-Nazi, Ron 9-11 conspircay theory pedler, Ron I believe whatever the heck Ron tells me becaue I am incapable of using logic or reason.
Does the phrase "Pandering Idiot" have any meaning?


  • Barak_n.jpg
    78.4 KB · Views: 267
Do you have anything to support the claims made in that poster? Or is this just another case of you posting an image because you think it looks cool?


How many soldiers came home in a casket as a result of our empire building foreign policy?

How many soldiers have come home only to perish at their by their own hand as a result of PTSD?

How many Civilians in Iraq, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya & Yemen died as a result of US Empire building?

Get that number and that takes care of the Thousands dead at his feet. You can look it up like I did.

16 Trillion according to the partial audit of the Fed went to the Banksters! Wait until Greece implodes and we bail out the ECB. Again you can look it up.

Had the opportunity to repeal the Patriot Act and failed. Signed NDAA, support FISA Warrants and No Knock Warrants, Not to mention attempting to pass SOPA. Need I go on?

Monsanto cases are well documented. They are currently being sued by 270,000 small and organic farmers. Monsanto is "player" in Washington and in that regard our President isn't any more of a villain then half the rest of Washington.

How many soldiers came home in a casket as a result of our empire building foreign policy?

How many soldiers have come home only to perish at their by their own hand as a result of PTSD?

How many Civilians in Iraq, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya & Yemen died as a result of US Empire building?

Get that number and that takes care of the Thousands dead at his feet. You can look it up like I did.

16 Trillion according to the partial audit of the Fed went to the Banksters! Wait until Greece implodes and we bail out the ECB. Again you can look it up.

Had the opportunity to repeal the Patriot Act and failed. Signed NDAA, support FISA Warrants and No Knock Warrants, Not to mention attempting to pass SOPA. Need I go on?

Monsanto cases are well documented. They are currently being sued by 270,000 small and organic farmers. Monsanto is "player" in Washington and in that regard our President isn't any more of a villain then half the rest of Washington.

Show me the casulty figures and evidence that he's responsible for deaths in the tens of thousands? Then show me how he's responsible for PTSD. Empite Building? Usually when you do that you stay and establish a colony. Any colonies in Iraq?

Those emergency loans the Fed made, were they all made under his watch?

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