Gasoline Futures Prices Surge


May 18, 2003
Gasoline futures prices surge

Demand for gasoline was up 4 percent compared with last year for the four weeks ended April 2

WASHINGTON (AP) - Gasoline futures prices surged Monday to a record high, sending shares of oil refining companies higher, too.

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Gas is at a lower price than adjusted for inflation 30 years ago. More people own homes, and have the income to own homes, than in the history of this nation. Income, adjusted for inflation, is higher than in the history of ANY nation that has ever existed. Crime is at an all time low. More jobs exist that at any time in this nation. More money is being spent on leisure activities than at any time in the history of the world. U employees are being asked to accept discount airline wages, while the CEO is asking for MAINLINE wages for a successful company. Hmmmm. Greeter.

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