PineyBob said:
Deflect and deny! Why address the reasonyou're posting here instead of attacking me?
4. The only reason you're here is Randy booted your assets OFF Flyer Talk. So you sir are slumming.
5. UA is struggling and you're over here trying to urinate on the grave and I resent that. UA is not my favorite airline, but their are people involved here and some are rather nice.
6. as to CO, I think they are a fine airline, One Pass sucks compared to DM and the Star Alliance. and CO can never manage to post code share tickets in my experience without customer intervention and to my mind that is a deliberate to defraud the customer. If US can get that IT issue resolved then so can CO, especially in light of what passes for a web site at US.
1. If you read my earlier posting carefully, you would see that I referred to US as your "preferred" airline. That does not imply ownership in any way, only usage.
2. Unlike BBB and his cronies, the folks at CO actually DO have some grasp of what their customers want and are willing to pay for. For all of the griping, CO FFers have had no need to waste time and resources on a large-scale collective effort to make our airline listen to us. Sure, there have been some individual-level discussions with CO, and said discussions are producing results. Good luck on your mass effort though.
3. It's sad that your preferred airline has engendered such low expectations even in its best customers.
4. I have been posting on for several years, so I am by no means new here. Besides, this site allows for more discussion of the industry from the corporate side, something which I am particularly interested in. Thus, you characterization that I am slumming here is false, to say the least.
5. UA is struggling because of bad decisions made by past and present management and labor. I do not see a problem in criticizing United because of that.
6. Last time I checked, close to half of Star Alliance is in some form of serious financial distress, including ALL of the Western Hemisphere members save US Airways (e.g., formal bankruptcy/liquidation/de facto creditor protection/ward of the state). Additionally, once CO joins SkyTeam, it will be in a FAR more integrated alliance than Star -- remember, SkyTeam is the ONLY alliance to enjoy TATL AND TPAC ATI, allowing for genuine alliance cooperation, not just FF-related stuff.