Friday Meeting W/cwa


Feb 21, 2004
No one seems to have any info on the "big" meeting in Va with the AFA. So far no one has given any info on the meeting with the CWA. Someone out there must have something to share with us. Maybe the big "Boiz" imposed a Gag Order.
Come on someone give it up! I'm sure many would like to know what the "Gangstas" are trying to EXTORT from these groups this time around.
At AFA, there was no new revelations. The plan, is Siegel's plan, will be implemented by Siegel's team, and Lakefield is just a sweet, sincere guy who happens to be surrounded by wolves and just doesn't know it, and no one will talk. Period.

Plan looks very healthy, and would be very exicting if its implementation didn't depend on gutting labor's contracts. If we were a part of the plan and could share in it success fairly, then I personally could get excited and proud. So far, no word on that.

Will labor be able to sustain themselves and for how long, is anyone's guess if this should go through. Will the plan work, managment says its a gamble, like anything in life. If the environment gets worse it could get worse for U and the Industry.

IF the f/as want AFA to open contracts, rest assured, AFA will DEMAND MAJOR RETURNS on investment. None orf this 58 shares nonsense, and profit sharing when we know damn well there will be none to share among employees because it will be needed to be put back into the business model for a/c purchase and airline image. That was very obvious in the plan.

WE WANT 5,000 SHARES OF STOCK EACH! Did you hear that CCY????

If I may clarify the statement made in your post: "Plan looks very healthy, and would be exicting if its implementation didn't depend on gutting labor's contracts."

To the average non-union reader, this statement could be understood that you are dead set on protecting your pork, cushiness, and routine.

I think it's important for readers to understand that the company's proposing that we all work for poverty level wages, and then pay the majority of our medical benefits cost out of that meger paycheck.

If the company was simply looking for flexibility in work rules, the unions might be hesistant but not intractable.

For the mechanics, the truth is that the company is proposing the elimination of our jobs. That is why the IAM is not co-operating. The company proposes to our representatives, to let the company sub-contract the mechanics jobs to outside venders, and those that must remain must be payed at a poverty level.

You know me better than that. I agree with you on every point.

The co. will show a plan that is healthy for the Co. The main point and issue is, the "pLan" don't mean a thing TO LABOR, if folks can't sustain themselves. In addition, there will be layoffs across the board.

I do not, or never have claimed to control the flight attendants. I just know I have my position on what I think, and after over 3,000 posts, you should know mine as well. The flight attendants will know all sides of the equation, including the shrinkage of pittsburgh to near oblivion. That alone will effect all the bases.

If the f/as decide to go to the table, and we then are there, there must be major returns, otherwise, the plan, no matter how healthy it is for the stakeholder, stockholder, wallstreet and the BOD, IT WON'T PASS WITHOUT MAJOR RETURNS FOR ALL.

It ain't going to pass
You can’t possibly think that we should subsidize the purchase of more aircraft.

I for one believe that if it weren’t for this poor management team in place we would not be having this…. thread …..Dave screwed us when he came out ok BK too soon and didn’t squeeze enough money from non labor…..

And now you expect us to pay for everything……………………….NO NO NO
IM sure the company will promise the CWA another 5000 members some how if they will screw present members???? I hope membership keeps the union in line.....

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