And, it's been that way for a long time. When I was still at Texaco (in the late 80's and early 90's) I had the opportunity of entertaining in my home two of the Danish staff that were attached to the project I was working. My wife and I had a little (for Texas) 3 bedroom, 2 bath house in a subdivision where you saw the same house every 4th house, just different color brick and trim. Both of the Danes expressed envy that my wife and I made so much money that we could afford a home. (I knew for a fact that both Danes were paid more than I when you converted to U.S. currency.)
They explained that due to the taxation system they would never be able to save enough money to buy a house. They said that a house the size of mine (about 1500 sq. ft.) would cost over $500,000 (in late 1980's money). And, that assumed that you could find and afford a vacant lot to build it on.
Yes, they have cradle to the grave medical care. Yes, they have free college tuition. But, we sometimes forget that at some point somebody has to pay for all of that. There's always a catch, you know.