For ALL the LEMMINGS that SWALLOWED Trumps B S !!

Joke is on you Bears!
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First off Insp4, you're showing me FLORIDA.
Us D's don't give a "FLYING F " about RED STATE Florida, or TEX ASS, or any red state, and that just for starters.
WA, not going RED anyday soon, our MAJOR focus is repairing the 'crack in the Blue Wall' (PA, OH, MI and WI), which, you can bet everything you own, will be BLUE this time around. Without doubt, we, the ' D's ' let Hillary take them for granted, HOWEVER, Experience IS the BEST TEACHER, As you will see.
With Middle class raises, NOT seeing squat from the MORON's 1% er tax cut, making amends in the industrial states Of, PA,OH,MI an WI, will be easy to shine the light on the MORONS BS Tax Cut.
Besides, the states of VA, it was the only state in the CSA, that finally 'smartened-up'. States like CO,NM,WA,OR,CA were not part of the civil war.

It's an electoral #'s game.
I bring up the civil war, because NOTHING has, or WILL EVER change down there. So, AS I say, F - Florida, and every RED state below the M/D Line ! President Lincoln's one and only mistake. RECONSTRUCTION !
Show me a picture like you showed me like in Florida, IN NYC !!!!!
Case closed !!
I know this will be painful for you Bears, but let''s see how important Florida is in a national election with 29 electorial votes.
Insp4, you’re wasting your time.Bears is as dumb as a box of hammers.
Bears where would you be if you bet everything you owned on your two years worth of arrogant predictions on ol Hill, you dumb fk lmao what a tool.
No one gives two chits what a “D” thinks you’re all a bunch of hypocrites
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WWRT - What Would Reagan Think

"Mr Gorbachev - tear down this wall"

:"Build that wall" - MAGA.

Just remember Kc there’s more evidence of the D,s being cozy with Vlad than Republicans

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