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Flight Attendent Certification


Nov 9, 2003
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This was posted on another board and comes from FAA reauthorization act:

(a) IN GENERAL- Chapter 447 is further amended by adding at the end the following:

`Sec. 44728. Flight attendant certification

`(1) IN GENERAL- No person may serve as a flight attendant aboard an aircraft of an air carrier unless that person holds a certificate of demonstrated proficiency from the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration. Upon the request of the Administrator or an authorized representative of the National Transportation Safety Board or another Federal agency, a person who holds such a certificate shall present the certificate for inspection within a reasonable period of time after the date of the request.

`(2) SPECIAL RULE FOR CURRENT FLIGHT ATTENDANTS- An individual serving as a flight attendant on the effective date of this section may continue to serve aboard an aircraft as a flight attendant until completion by that individual of the required recurrent or requalification training and subsequent certification under this section.

`(3) TREATMENT OF FLIGHT ATTENDANT AFTER NOTIFICATION- On the date that the Administrator is notified by an air carrier that an individual has the demonstrated proficiency to be a flight attendant, the individual shall be treated for purposes of this section as holding a certificate issued under the section.

`(B) ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE- The Administrator shall issue a certificate of demonstrated proficiency under this section to an individual after the Administrator is notified by the air carrier that the individual has successfully completed all the training requirements for flight attendants approved by the Administrator.

`© DESIGNATION OF PERSON TO DETERMINE SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF TRAINING- In accordance with part 183 of chapter 14, Code of Federal Regulation, the director of operations of an air carrier is designated to determine that an individual has successfully completed the training requirements approved by the Administrator for such individual to serve as a flight attendant.

`(d) SPECIFICATIONS RELATING TO CERTIFICATES- Each certificate issued under this section shall--

`(1) be numbered and recorded by the Administrator;

`(2) contain the name, address, and description of the individual to whom the certificate is issued;

`(3) is similar in size and appearance to certificates issued to airmen;

`(4) contain the airplane group for which the certificate is issued; and

`(5) be issued not later than 120 days after the Administrator receives notification from the air carrier of demonstrated proficiency and, in the case of an individual serving as flight attendant on the effective date of this section, not later than 1 year after such effective date.

`(e) APPROVAL OF TRAINING PROGRAMS- Air carrier flight attendant training programs shall be subject to approval by the Administrator. All flight attendant training programs approved by the Administrator in the 1-year period ending on the date of enactment of this section shall be treated as providing a demonstrated proficiency for purposes of meeting the certification requirements of this section.

`(f) FLIGHT ATTENDANT DEFINED- In this section, the term `flight attendant' means an individual working as a flight attendant in the cabin of an aircraft that has 20 or more seats and is being used by an air carrier to provide air transportation.'.

(B) CONFORMING AMENDMENT- The analysis for chapter 447 is further amended by adding at the end the following:

`44728. Flight attendant certification.'.

© EFFECTIVE DATE- The amendments made by subsections (a) and (B) shall take effect on the 365th day following the date of enactment of this Act.

(a) IN GENERAL- The Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration shall undertake the studies and analysis called for in the report of the National Research Council entitled `The Airliner Cabin Environment and the Health of Passengers and Crew'.

(B) REQUIRED ACTIVITIES- In carrying out this section, the Administrator, at a minimum, shall--

(1) conduct surveillance to monitor ozone in the cabin on a representative number of flights and aircraft to determine compliance with existing Federal Aviation Regulations for ozone;

(2) collect pesticide exposure data to determine exposures of passengers and crew;

(3) analyze samples of residue from aircraft ventilation ducts and filters after air quality incidents to identify the contaminants to which passengers and crew were exposed;

(4) analyze and study cabin air pressure and altitude; and

(5) establish an air quality incident reporting system.

© REPORT- Not later than 30 months after the date of enactment of this Act, the Administrator shall transmit to Congress a report on the findings of the Administrator under this section.
I think this is a great idea. I've been wondering how the progress on this is coming. Does this mean its been passed or what?
Light Years said:
I think this is a great idea. I've been wondering how the progress on this is coming. Does this mean its been passed or what?
Given it's the government involved, I'd say it's LIGHT YEARS away.....
I believe the Senate & House have both passed it. Awaiting Bush's signature.

Oh great. He's not a real big friend to my causes.

I can just see him "I firmly believe that certification is for nurses only.... and I'll rewrite the constitution to see that flight attendants do not recieve this equal right."

😛 :down:
Light Year,

The article I looked up to see if it had passed both chambers said that there was an "agreement" that he'd sign it. The big fight in the bill was over privatization & I guess that got worked out.


ps...now the f/a's and I can compare "type ratings". But they'll all be rated on more jets than me. Oh well.
Will this be starting fresh or include "the past"? For example, will a furloughed U F/A have certification in the 14 types of aircraft they were trained on?
I can only say what the bill says, and it breaks it down by "current" & "new". The "new" would receive the required training during initial g/s, and the "current" would have 1 year (I think) to receive it.
Light Years said:
I can just see him "I firmly believe that certification is for nurses only.... and I'll rewrite the constitution to see that flight attendants do not recieve this equal right."

😛 :down:
Don't even get me started on this one. It's amazing what some people will do when faced with what they do not know nor understand. But, back on topic ...
I guess this will mean all the McDonalds and Dunkin Donuts coffee pourers will now need to be certified too!
exagony said:
I guess this will mean all the McDonalds and Dunkin Donuts coffee pourers will now need to be certified too!
O, look, we have a Certified #### in the house.
It looks like only 2 a/c types will appear on my certification and the 17 others I have learned and worked on board with other airlines over the last 25 years fade into the sunset..... 🙁 :huh: