Flight Attendant


May 22, 2004

Q: On a recent Southwest Airlines flight, a flight attendant told the passengers that if enough of us did not agree to move (which meant taking a middle seat in this full-to-capacity flight) so that a family with three kids could sit together, "we are not going anywhere.

Q: On a recent Southwest Airlines flight, a flight attendant told the passengers that if enough of us did not agree to move (which meant taking a middle seat in this full-to-capacity flight) so that a family with three kids could sit together, "we are not going anywhere.

A: Never in my 20 years of following the airline industry have I heard of such a thing. Shame on this flight attendant, however well intentioned she or he was. Technically, you are required to follow crew-member instructions, but if a flight attendant told you to stand on your head, would you?

This flight attendant should be written up for bullying passengers and causing a late departure, and he or she most likely would have been had no one changed seats, causing a severe delay.

I suggest that you write to Southwest and complain.

George Hobica / Airfarewatchdog.com.

Get a grip George. This is a lose, lose situation. Wha! FA made me sit next to someone's bratty kid. Or Wha! FA made me move so some family could sit together and take care of their own bratty kids.

Although, I see that you point out standing on your head as a great comparison to accommodating a family who are in need of the kindness of strangers. Sometimes prodding is the stimulus that gets people to do the right thing. George the advice you give makes me think that is this all you have and you have done this for 20 years?

You must have married well to get a job like yours. Tell the Only reader you have stop being such a selfish witch, get over it, and help another person out occasionally.

Thanks Sky High I am sure you posted this on the Southwest Board to show how foolish the advice is to the passenger.

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A: I am sure you posted this on the Southwest Board to show how foolish the advice is to the passenger.


Seattle, WA
7 comments January 9, 2011 at 8:37

When I flew with my young daughters, and the airlines didn't seat us together, I never had problems convincing people to change seats with us. A LITTLE POLITENESS GOES A LONG WAY.

Seattle, WA
7 comments January 9, 2011 at 8:37

When I flew with my young daughters, and the airlines didn't seat us together, I never had problems convincing people to change seats with us. A LITTLE POLITENESS GOES A LONG WAY.

That is good advice SH. I think most people go by the golden rule and would help out if needed. Maybe Fiddlermama should apply for George's job....

Seattle, WA
7 comments January 9, 2011 at 8:37

When I flew with my young daughters, and the airlines didn't seat us together, I never had problems convincing people to change seats with us. A LITTLE POLITENESS GOES A LONG WAY.

THANK YOU. It's just a seat, people. Even the middle seat in row 23 is still a seat for what, probably 2 whole hours. Just sit there and the flight can push back and be over all the quicker.

Sometimes i wish pax would nonrev for a while just to learn how to be grateful for a seat no matter where it is.

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