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Flight Attendant hiring at Jet Blue


Jun 10, 2003
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Can anyone clarify a rumor for me that''s going around soon to be furloughed AA flight attendants. I was told that jet Blue prefers not to hire AA flight attendants. Is that true? I really want to work for you guys. I have perfect attendance, although I don''t speak a word of Spanish, I do speak French and various dialects of Chinese along with Malay. I made an ad campaign and a powerpoint presentation in the event I do get a call and am invited to JFK to interview. Can anyone help please?
You know how rumours are...

I''ve never heard that one...though previous airline experience is really somewhat of a wash here. The company looks for the right kind of person...now, if the personality and character is right *and* there''s previous airline experience, I can''t see how it would work against you. But simply having worked for another airline has no bearing on qualifications here. Hope that makes sense.

On 6/10/2003 2:32:33 PM diva wrote:

Can anyone clarify a rumor for me that''s going around soon to be furloughed AA flight attendants. I was told that jet Blue prefers not to hire AA flight attendants. Is that true? I really want to work for you guys. I have perfect attendance, although I don''t speak a word of Spanish, I do speak French and various dialects of Chinese along with Malay. I made an ad campaign and a powerpoint presentation in the event I do get a call and am invited to JFK to interview. Can anyone help please?

Thanks a bunch. I have a friend, Jocelyn Bunyan who flies for jetblue out of FLL and she put in a recommendation for me. So, we''ll see what happens. I have absolutely no qualms resigning from AA to fly for jetBlue. In the meantime, I''m waiting and praying for someone in recruitment to take a look at my online application. L0L. Must be buried under 30,000 other applications!
I dont think they "dislike" any OA applicants. I can think of numerous people who I have flown with who are from UA/AA/NW/DL/US - all of them. So if you have a recommendation on file, that is a good thing... that means your application should go towards the top. 🙂

Good luck.