What's new

fit, finish, decor, comfort and cleanliness

If we are talking about flight attendants, there are most certainly not any "new hires". The most junior flight atttendant has about four years. The rest are furloughed, and as one of them, I'd like to say that it was a "generation" that cared very much about appearance, service, standards, and the company's image.
Perhaps you are seeing Express flight attendants? Keep in mind that US Airways has no control whatsovever over who a contracted Express carrier hires, fires etc. Why would you care about or have any pride in a company you DONT WORK FOR? Like you said, you get what you pay for. Golden1, I think youre referring to the new burger king waged Mainline Express agents- same thing, you get what you pay for.
On 7/29/2003 10:35:50 AM gofigure wrote:

I'd rather see one in open toed shoes with frizzy hair than one who is barely able to navigate the aisle sideways- bring back weight checks.

Bring back weight checks? After finally getting rid of that sexist way management was looking at f/a's? Go back 20 years to the dark ages? Stocks for laxative companies will rise again. Bulimia will hit a new high. Why not weight check agents, rampers, mechanics, pilots, CEO's? Over mine and AFA's dead bodies, what are you thinking? It is against the law to discriminate against someone based on their weight, sex, race, religion, etc. Welcome to the year 2003!!!! No discrimination allowed.
Light Years-exactly!

No F/A's. New hires are counter/gate agents...

unbelievable..The majority are willing to learn,but a couple(still on probation), have no desire...

This is a new group unlike when I was hired almost 20 yrs ago...It's all a preference, appearance, motivation etc...
yada yada yada...
"Welcome to the year 2003!!!! No discrimination allowed."

Of course discrimination is allowed concerning flight attendant positions. Don't be silly. There are FAA guidelines. You have to be over 18, finish high school, be at least 5'2" tall, have 20/50 vision, speak English, be in general good health, etc. Those requirements elimate A LOT of people as candidates, including those with considerable weight problems.
This is posted on SWA website for f/a's.

"A well-groomed appearance is required. Weight must be of such proportion to height that a neat appearance is maintained and physical ability to perform all job functions is not hindered. The ability to, while facing forward, walk and fit comfortably down the aircraft aisle, fit quickly through the overwing window exit, and to fit into a jumpseat harness without modification, including closure without a seatbelt extension."

No where does it say weight checks. Of course you must fit down the aisle, fit into the jumpseat,out the exits, etc. You have to be able to lift your own overnight bag into the overhead compartment too. That is not discrimination, only what the jobs requirements are and common sense. Mechanics must be able to use their hands and pick up a wrench. An agent must be able to type, this isn't discrimination, only job requirements. You also must be human, no horses need aply, that's not discrimination either.
I dont think the issue is weight or physical beauty, but general appearance. When a customer sees that peeling paint on the plane, they worry about the engines. When they see a sloppily dressed, unprofessional acting crewmember, they worry about thier ability. I know we've had many uniform discussion threads, but I think its high time for a new one that can be worn proudly and enforced from the get-go. I also think Express should have a different, simpler uniform. Even for the Express F/as who do make an effort, they are constantly out in the elements, plus doing thier own catering and trash removal, sometimes on aircraft with no APU. For customer and employee distinction, customer service should have a different uniform than crew- I've always thought a gray suit would look great. Even frequent travelers get confused with everyone in the same drab, early 80s polyester. They dont know whether your going to search them, rebook them, give them a Coke, or drive you around in a cart.

"You also must be human, no horses need aply, that's not discrimination either. "

Of course it is. Discrimination is defined as the ability or power to make distinctions. People who are blind, confined to a wheel chair, or can't speak English can be denied flight attendant positions purely for those reasons. They are discriminated against. Companies are not allowed to disciminate for illegal reasons, however, which is probably where your reasoning was meandering.
If "IMAGE IS EVERYTHING" then why has the USAirways Uniforms not been UPDATED since 1984? IF "IMAGE IS EVERYTHING" why is there a 767 flying out there with 1/3 of its paint missing on the right side of the airplane? If "IMAGE IS EVERYTHING" Why do the interiors of ALL of the USAirways Mainline Fleet look bad? If "IMAGE IS EVERYTHING" then Dave Siegel, Gerry Glass, David Bronner, Sherry Hendy Groff, Cheryl Lendvay, Cindi Simone, Ernie Pickel, and the many other Management that could be listed here would step up to the plate and try to get the TRUST of the employees back. I have learned that if this management is saying something to your face that you need to look for the Amendments of what they are actually saying. Everything isn't black and white like they want you to think it is. IF "IMAGE IS EVERYTHING" then it needs to START at the TOP with ALL of the EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT TEAM and then trickle down. Dave you need to SHOW GOOD WILL with us now, since you have lost it with EVERY Employee Group.
Hey wait a minute....
On my recent r/t to mco I found the a/c to be very clean and nice the ctr and gate agents to be very pleasant and dressed very professional!
F/A were great....sitting in F/C it was very nice.
The only "untied" I saw was the captain coming out of the flight deck taking a bathroom break.