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First Class, no Class?

sky high states: Sorry, but I still use the term, passenger. Always have. Not that you are NOT a customer, but it connotates value or something extra over the word---> passenger. I'm not even sure if the word belongs in this industry. It's devalued when you deal with a THOUSAND "customers" EACH WEEK.



someone who pays for goods or services

...<light bulb>............Hmmmm, maybe that term is appropriate.
only stating opinions

And definition of the word PASSENGER is:

pas·sen·ger /ˈpæsəndʒər/
–noun 1. a person who is traveling in an automobile, bus, train, airplane, or other conveyance, esp. one who is not the driver, pilot, or the like.
2. a wayfarer; traveler.

Looks like this one applies also. Especially the part about not the pilot or the like. Hmmmmmm
Job Description of Flight Attendants:

According to the law, airlines must employ flight attendants to ensure the safety of its customers. Besides ensuring the safety of passengers, flight attendants also are employed to ensure passengers are comfortable and that the flying experience is a pleasant one.

Would that describe you PSA? How is the hand of the caterers doing that got crushed in the a/c door by a certain F/A going to Rome? 😱
How is the hand of the caterers doing that got crushed in the a/c door by a certain F/A going to Rome? 😱

I heard the F/A that almost chopped off the caterers hand had to call in sick for a month! But, that is OK. Cindi Simone paid their sick time for the month so the F/A didn't have to take anything out of their sick bank..........

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