Fire Drill

La Li Lu Le Lo

May 29, 2010
AA TULE had a fire drill in hanger 5 yesterday for the first time since..... forever. Looks like they are getting ready for some disgruntled employees. Also, an ex hanger 5 crew chief (I'm not going to mention any names but, his name starts with an S and rhymes with Sparky) was nice enough to share his opinion about the worthlessness of Fleet Service. He then highlighted his opinion that we make too much money and that he was glad to see us on the chopping block at the base. Then gloated about how TULE would be a ghost town but that would be great for him because he will be able to capitalize on overtime since he will be one of the few mechanics left. Mr. name that starts with an S and rhymes with Sparky you sure put the YOU in YOUnion.
AA TULE had a fire drill in hanger 5 yesterday for the first time since..... forever. Looks like they are getting ready for some disgruntled employees. Also, an ex hanger 5 crew chief (I'm not going to mention any names but, his name starts with an S and rhymes with Sparky) was nice enough to share his opinion about the worthlessness of Fleet Service. He then highlighted his opinion that we make too much money and that he was glad to see us on the chopping block at the base. Then gloated about how TULE would be a ghost town but that would be great for him because he will be able to capitalize on overtime since he will be one of the few mechanics left. Mr. name that starts with an S and rhymes with Sparky you sure put the YOU in YOUnion.
I am not surprised by his response when I was there back in the early 90's and they had the layoff I couldn't believe guys were laughing and joking around seeing fellow mechanics being walked out!!!
It's SAD for sure,...But I've been saying FOR DECADES.........that there are NO union men in OKIE-HOMA.

A Union Man does NOT vote Republican.

AMR realized back in the 70's.....that "divide and conquer" is far more easily done in OK. as opposed to NYC. , which is why they relocated there, AND it gave the weak arse TWU airline division COVER, because they had to relocate as well.

Ask yourself this question. WHY does Jim Little grow a SACK when he HAS to deal with Local 100(NY Subway) ?

Answer. They would TAR + FEATHER that weak little BAS--TARD, and leave him deep in the Bowels of the Massive tunnel system,to live among the MOLE People,..........To which Mr. Little is VERY well AWARE , if he EVER pulled the shite on them, that he allows to be dumped on AA guys !!!!!!!!!!!
It's SAD for sure,...But I've been saying FOR DECADES.........that there are NO union men in OKIE-HOMA.

A Union Man does NOT vote Republican.

AMR realized back in the 70's.....that "divide and conquer" is far more easily done in OK. as opposed to NYC. , which is why they relocated there, AND it gave the weak arse TWU airline division COVER, because they had to relocate as well.

Ask yourself this question. WHY does Jim Little grow a SACK when he HAS to deal with Local 100(NY Subway) ?

Answer. They would TAR + FEATHER that weak little BAS--TARD, and leave him deep in the Bowels of the Massive tunnel system,to live among the MOLE People,..........To which Mr. Little is VERY well AWARE , if he EVER pulled the shite on them, that he allows to be dumped on AA guys !!!!!!!!!!!

Very Fitting that this would just happen to be post number 514 for you!
Simpleton mind, equals simpleton name calling postings.
You would qualify to be the next TWU 514 appointee cultist to the International
It's SAD for sure,...But I've been saying FOR DECADES.........that there are NO union men in OKIE-HOMA.

A Union Man does NOT vote Republican.

AMR realized back in the 70's.....that "divide and conquer" is far more easily done in OK. as opposed to NYC. , which is why they relocated there, AND it gave the weak arse TWU airline division COVER, because they had to relocate as well.

Ask yourself this question. WHY does Jim Little grow a SACK when he HAS to deal with Local 100(NY Subway) ?

Answer. They would TAR + FEATHER that weak little BAS--TARD, and leave him deep in the Bowels of the Massive tunnel system,to live among the MOLE People,..........To which Mr. Little is VERY well AWARE , if he EVER pulled the shite on them, that he allows to be dumped on AA guys !!!!!!!!!!!
Is this the same mentality that says that Christians don't vote Democrat?
It's SAD for sure,...But I've been saying FOR DECADES.........that there are NO union men in OKIE-HOMA.

A Union Man does NOT vote Republican.

AMR realized back in the 70's.....that "divide and conquer" is far more easily done in OK. as opposed to NYC. , which is why they relocated there, AND it gave the weak arse TWU airline division COVER, because they had to relocate as well.

Ask yourself this question. WHY does Jim Little grow a SACK when he HAS to deal with Local 100(NY Subway) ?

Answer. They would TAR + FEATHER that weak little BAS--TARD, and leave him deep in the Bowels of the Massive tunnel system,to live among the MOLE People,..........To which Mr. Little is VERY well AWARE , if he EVER pulled the shite on them, that he allows to be dumped on AA guys !!!!!!!!!!
Well said couldn't agree more !!!
Is this the same mentality that says that Christians don't vote Democrat?

Like either politcal party in our system has any record within the last 25 years of being a union workers friend.

Both parties are part of a government by the money and for the money, and yet some still tow the old party lines to the delight of those in power.

There is NO politician that is currently a friend of the union working man.
But they all seem to be great friends of cash contributions.

We are perfect specimens though, fighting amongst ourselves using our single issues as the basis for our poltical alliances, all the while overall being ran over like armadillos crossing the busy highway. Why do they always seem to lie belly up after death anyway?

Morals and Human Ethics will never be legislated anymore than Unionism will !!!!

BTW, being on the Emergency Response Team, I heard mention of the fire drills within the last few weeks, and they have more to do with safety and communication training than fear of any disgruntled employee as claimed in the original post. Sure a disgruntled employee could cause the need for emergency evacuation, but that is not the basis for the current drills. At least from what I have heard about it.

True enough that there are self seeking "union" men in Tulsa. Also in other parts of the country if you read these boards for a short time you will see what I mean. But the Fire Drill being part of the overall conspiracy? That is reaching for sure. FEAR!
It's SAD for sure,...But I've been saying FOR DECADES.........that there are NO union men in OKIE-HOMA.

A Union Man does NOT vote Republican.

AMR realized back in the 70's.....that "divide and conquer" is far more easily done in OK. as opposed to NYC. , which is why they relocated there, AND it gave the weak arse TWU airline division COVER, because they had to relocate as well.

Ask yourself this question. WHY does Jim Little grow a SACK when he HAS to deal with Local 100(NY Subway) ?

Answer. They would TAR + FEATHER that weak little BAS--TARD, and leave him deep in the Bowels of the Massive tunnel system,to live among the MOLE People,..........To which Mr. Little is VERY well AWARE , if he EVER pulled the shite on them, that he allows to be dumped on AA guys !!!!!!!!!!!
Why is unionism down to around 13%?

Do you own any firearms?

Can you provide the documentation that proves why American Airlines relocated?

Do you want Obama care?

Do you own a Hoodie?
Why is unionism down to around 13%?

Do you own any firearms?

Can you provide the documentation that proves why American Airlines relocated?

Do you want Obama care?

Do you own a Hoodie?

Single Issue

Single Issue

Single Issue

Single Issue

Single Issue

Single Issue

Single Issue

Single Issue


Yes you are correct. I was posting at the same time you were. But you are correct it is more about any single issue.

Profiling is okay everyone does it.
Why is unionism down to around 13%?

Do you own any firearms?

Can you provide the documentation that proves why American Airlines relocated?

Do you want Obama care?

Do you own a Hoodie?

1. Due in large part to "YES Men" (pro company) Union officials, and ESPECIALLY "YES" voting members
2. NO (but I like BASS Boats + and Double wide Trailers)
3. You know DAM well what AA could NOT get away with in NYC, as opposed to OK. + TX. (think local 100) !
4. Doesn't matter to me. I've got "3" health plans already
5. NO
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True enough that there are self seeking "union" men in Tulsa. Also in other parts of the country if you read these boards for a short time you will see what I mean. But the Fire Drill being part of the overall conspiracy? That is reaching for sure. FEAR!

That may very well be so. However, I have worked for AMR for almost 12 years (I hired in at the base) and have only been in a fire drill one time. The sparsity and odd timing seem too coincidental for it not to be connected. Don't you agree? Don't forget we had someone shooting out windows with a BB gun (the AMR clowns tried to tell the media it was a malfunctioning machine, sand blaster I heard.... idiots) which itself was an offensive, aggressive, destructive act. Did we not also have someone setting fires in trash bins before? I don't think I am reaching at all. I could accept that if we had fire drills on a regular basis but we do not. We have not, in fact, had any (that I have participated in) for years.

Anyone else think I am reaching?
Is this the same mentality that says that Christians don't vote Democrat?

That I believe would depend on what state in the country they are in.
For example, we could "bet the farm" that the VAST majority of christians are voting "R" in OK./TX. , as opposed to those in NY/MA. who are voting "D" .
Why is unionism down to around 13%?

Do you own any firearms?

Can you provide the documentation that proves why American Airlines relocated?

Do you want Obama care?

Do you own a Hoodie?

Unionism down to 13% ?
WHERE ??????.......................TUL/OKC/DFW/IAH............or...........NYC/BOS/PHL/DTW ????????

REAL Union Men........Do NOT vote Republican........PERIOD !!!!!
I guess you slept thru that discussion, but union membership is ~13% for legal residents of the US, and over 51% of that 13% are in public sector jobs...

As for your stance that no unionist votes Republican, if you can find me a pilot union that regularly supports Democratic candidates and only Democrat candidates, and I'll buy you a dozen donuts.