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Light Years said:
The pics are from airliners.net. You can find anything on there!

It's funny you mention a blow-up doll. I have a friend who works for MDA, and she was showing me pictures of "Vanessa". Vanessa is a blow-up doll who wears a US uniform and is the ever elusive third F/A on the E170. There are pictures of her at dinner with crews, in vans, working in the galley, relaxing in the lav, and even on the flight deck. Crews have been known to show up at hotels to find her patiently sitting in the lobby, eagerly awaiting a night out. Even crew scheduling knows about her and will attempt to get a hold of her. :lol: She's apparently fun to fly with, a blast on the layovers but not much help on board as she has yet to appear to a single passenger, opting instead to hang out in a crew bag in the overhead compartment. I hear she's been looking kind of deflated lately with all of the bad news with the company.
LMAO....that has to be the single most funny thing I have read on here ever! I love it. Man at least those MDA folks can have a good time. Good for them.
Light Years said:
* develop a quality domestic short haul product- the E170 product is fantastic already, but how about if they added audio entertainment.
* put your first class resources into making the first class better on flights that actually need it. Put the Passport system in every seat on the Airbuses, and put glassware and other amenities back into first.

I'd rather see them have a great first class product on international, Carribbean, and transcon flights, instead of a crappy first class product all over. A premium cabin is only needed on the longer flights, particularly if you can offer a stellar coach product on shorter flights.

I think US should be looking into either shrinking F to F8 on all short haul routes, converting it to 2x3 Euro style business class, or eliminating it and adding something like Economy Plus. But for transcons, keep F12 or F16 and try and get extra revenue from the F cabin through selling (reasonable) F fares and charging more to upgrade. But then again, this adds more complexity to an already too-complex airline, so it might not be worth it. Hopefully it is being studied. Somehow I doubt it.
Thankyou Light Years for the valuable information. I truly appreciate the info. 🙂
Vanessa still owes me 20$ that my last "A" F/A said she needed :angry:

Anyways, real quick, what is "OAJ", RJ service out of CLT to there was mentioned, and I have to confess I do not know what airport that is...


Ph, I feel so bad for you with the spacebar problem! It has to be so frustrating.

I'm surprised to see an RJ in Jacksonville NC. That's been a Dash 8 route for years. Does DL fly there or is it just US?
Light Years I noticed the list of flights out of PIT do not show any PHL or CLT flights. Could this be an error or are there really going to be no flights out of PIT to these 2 cities ?
I don't think they are complete lists, just highlights of major changes. I'd assume the schedule to the hubs remains roughly the same.
i guess i have been laboring under a mis-definition of "point-to-point" flying?!? can somebody define it for me? my expectations in the transformation plan was to see luv like schedules, i.e., smaller markets to non-hub leisure markets. can anybody clear this up for me?
Point to point for US basically means focusing more on "focus cities" in New York, Washington, Boston, and Fort Lauderdale. Focus cities have some connecting traffic, but are mostly exploiting high O&D levels. US is launching service to traditional business markets from these cities, instead of making people go through one of the hubs.

They aren't really talking about any real point-to-point, like say RDU-BUF or ERI-BDL. That type of stuff will rightfuly still go through the hubs. There may be some direct Florida markets from bigger US "spokes", in fact I think there is a little already.

If you look at Southwest, they really just operate alot of focus cities or mini-hubs. They just limit thier flying to city pairs that could stand alone. When you build a full-on network carrier hub, particularly in dodgy places like US did, you are relying on the connecting traffic. There isn't really that many people going from PIT-CAK or CLT-TLH, it's people connecting. US is considering this stuff point-to point because while it may be helped by some connecting traffic, it isn't dependent on it.

A good example is the FLL operation. It stands alone for the most part, rather than having service to every hamlet and village on the east coast. They aren't neccesarily looking for the BWI-FLL passenger, although that's fine, they are looking for the BWI-SAL and even more the FLL-SAL customer. Instead of bringing everyone from all over the place to the islands like they do out of CLT and PHL, they are offering a direct link to the islands for a huge hispanic market- VFR traffic (Visting Friends and Relatives). The Shuttle cities are getting similar- there is a stand alone market for say, Washington to Dallas, or New York to Chicago. US has the gates, slots and name (and now costs) to take advantage of these possibly very lucrative markets.

What US is doing is continuing, streamlining and improving thier connecting hubs (the network part) while using valuable market share in bigger cities for more profitable O&D flying.

Using the term point to point is confusing, as really it is all still centered around CLT, PHL, PIT, DCA, LGA, BOS and FLL.
Light Years said:
Ph, I feel so bad for you with the spacebar problem! It has to be so frustrating.

I'm surprised to see an RJ in Jacksonville NC. That's been a Dash 8 route for years. Does DL fly there or is it just US?

Spacebar issue corrected, I spilt red wine on my laptop yesterday and now I am operating with a desktop keyboard connected to my laptop!
Just a point about beefing up the flights in and out of FLL.

Without a defined presence of Line Maintenance and a Stores Department....this Mini-Hub to Central or South America is going to be our Waterloo.

Without having the ready ability to support and repair Aircraft with the numbers involved with this operation..it will fail in short order.

The compnay needs a definative plan..and it needs to get the wheels in motion before launching into this endeavor.

Mark My Words on this fact....if not? Imagine a world where places like LGA , BOS , DCA or MCO didn't have the ability to support and repair Acft. Keep in mind cities like ORD , ATL , ORF and RIC have line maintenance..and all see far fewer Acft per day than what the FLL idea ever begins too.

February will be upon us in short order....when would be a good time to think about what is involved in making this Mini-Hub actually work?
OK, here's full CLT.... 🙂

CLT (560 daily flights, 113 destinations)
ABE-1x 733
AGS-7x DH8 (Piedmont)
AHN-2x BE1 (Air Midwest)
ALB-2x 733, 1x ERJ (Mesa)
ATL-1x 734, 4x 733, 1x CR7 (PSA), 2x ERJ (Mesa)
AUA-1x 757
AVL-7x DH3 (Piedmont), 1x DH8 (Piedmont)
BDL-4x 757, 1x 321, 1x 733
BHM-2x 733, 5x ERJ (Mesa)
BNA-3x 734, 2x 733, 2x ERJ (Mesa)
BOS-2x 757, 1x 321, 3x 734, 3x 319, 1x 733
BUF-1x 321, 1x 734, 1x 319, 1x 733
BWI-5x 757, 1x 321, 1x 320, 1x 734, 1x 733
BZE-1x 319
CAE-7x ERJ (Mesa), 1x DH3 (Piedmont)
CAK-4x CRJ (PSA), 1x ERJ (Mesa)
CHA-6x ERJ (Mesa), 1x DH3 (Piedmont), 1x DH8 (Piedmont)
CHO-6x DH3 (Piedmont), 2x DH8 (Piedmont)
CHS-1x 734, 4x 733, 3x ERJ (Mesa)
CLE-1x 733, 3x ERJ (Mesa), 1x CRJ (Mesa)
CMH-3x 320, 2x 734, 1x 319, 1x 733
CRW-4x DH3 (Piedmont), 2x DH8 (Piedmont)
CUN-2x 757, 1x 319
CVG-4x ERJ (Mesa)
CZM-1x 319
DAY-4x CR7 (PSA), 1x CRJ (PSA)
DCA-1x 321, 1x 320, 2x 734, 1x 319, 5x 733
DEN-1x 321, 2x 319
DFW-2x 319, 4x 733
DTW-3x 733, 2x ERJ (Mesa)
ERI-1x ERJ (Mesa)
EVV-3x ERJ (Mesa)
EWN-7x DH3 (Piedmont), 1x DH8 (Piedmont)
EWR-3x 734, 6x 733
FAY-6x DH3 (Piedmont), 2x DH8 (Piedmont)
FLL-7x 757, 2x 734
FLO-6x DH8 (Piedmont)
FPO-1x 321
FRA-1x 333
GCM-1x 320
GNV-4x ERJ (Mesa)
GSO-1x 734, 2x 733, 6x ERJ (Mesa)
GSP-1x CRJ (PSA), 1x ERJ (Mesa), 3x DH3 (Piedmont), 3x DH8 (Piedmont)
HHH-7x DH8 (Piedmont)
HSV-5x ERJ (Mesa)
HTS-4x DH8 (Piedmont)
IAD-1x 734, 1x 319, 3x 733, 1x ERJ (Mesa)
IAH-1x 319, 2x 733, 2x CR7 (PSA)
ILM-3x 733, 5x ERJ (Mesa)
IND-1x 734, 2x 319, 2x ERJ (Chautauqua), 1x ERJ (Mesa)
JAN-3x ERJ (Mesa)
JAX-2x 757, 1x 320, 2x 734, 2x 733
LAS-3x 757, 1x 319
LAX-2x 321, 2x 320
LEX-3x DH3 (Piedmont), 3x DH8 (Piedmont)
LGA-3x 320, 1x 734, 4x 319, 2x 733
LGW-1x 333
LIT-3x ERJ (Mesa)
LWB-1x BE1 (Midwest)
LYH-1x DH3 (Piedmont), 5x DH8 (Piedmont)
MBJ-1x 757, 1x 319
MCI-3x 733, 2x ERJ (Mesa)
MCO-1x 767, 5x 757, 1x 321, 2x 734, 1x 319
MDT-2x 733, 2x ERJ (Mesa)
MEM-1x 733, 3x CR7 (PSA), 2x ERJ (Mesa)
MEX-1x 319
MGM-4x ERJ (Mesa)
MHT-1x 321, 3x 733, 1x ERJ (Mesa)
MIA-3x 734, 1x 319, 1x 733
MKE-1x 733, 2x CR7 (PSA), 1x ERJ (Mesa)
MOB-3x ERJ (Mesa)
MSP-2x 319, 1x CR7 (PSA)
MSY-1x 321, 4x 733
MYR-1x 319, 2x 733, 1x ERJ (Mesa)
NAS-1x 734, 2x CRJ (PSA)
OAJ-2x CRJ (PSA), 1x CRJ (Mesa), 5x DH3 (Piedmont)
ORD-6x 733
ORF-2x 734, 3x 733, 2x ERJ (Mesa)
PBI-3x 321, 1x 734, 2x 319, 1x 733
PGV-6x DH3 (Piedmont)
PHF-4x ERJ (Mesa), 1x CRJ (PSA), 1x DH3 (Piedmont)
PHL-3x 757, 1x 321, 2x 320, 3x 734, 1x 319, 1x 733
PHX-1x 321, 1x 320, 1x 319
PIT-1x 767, 2x 757, 1x 320, 3x 319, 1x 733, 1x ERJ (Trans-States)
PLS-1x 319
PNS-2x CR7 (PSA), 2x ERJ (Mesa)
PUJ-1x 319
PVD-3x 757, 1x 321, 1x 320, 1x 734
RDU-2x 734, 5x 733, 2x ERJ (Mesa)
RIC-1x 320, 3x 319, 1x 733, 2x ERJ (Mesa), 1x CRJ (PSA)
ROA-2x ERJ (Mesa), 5x DH3 (Piedmont)
ROC-1x 733, 1x CRJ (PSA)
RSW-1x 321, 4x 734, 1x 319
SAN-2x 320
SAV-3x 733, 2x ERJ (Mesa)
SBY-1x DH8 (Piedmont)
SDF-4x ERJ (Mesa), 1x ERJ (Chautauqua)
SEA-1x 319
SFO-2x 321, 1x 320
SJO-1x 320
SJU-1x 767, 1x 757
SRQ-1x 734, 2x 733
STL-2x 733, 2x ERJ (Mesa), 1x CRJ (Mesa), 1x CRJ (PSA)
STT-2x 757
SXM-1x 757
SYR-1x 734
TLH-4x ERJ (Mesa)
TPA-2x 757, 2x 321, 2x 320, 2x 734, 1x 319
TRI-1x ERJ (Mesa), 1x DH3 (Piedmont), 6x DH8 (Piedmont)
TYS-3x ERJ (Mesa), 2x CRJ (PSA), 3x DH3 (Piedmont)
XNA-3x ERJ (Mesa)
YYZ-1x 320, 2x ERJ (Mesa)
Whew! And finally, PHL...

PHL (491 daily flights, 100 destinations):
ABE-3x ERJ (Chautauqua), 5x DH8 (Piedmont)
ALB-1x 734, 2x 733, 3x CRJ (PSA), 1x CRJ (Mesa)
AMS-1x 767
ATL-7x 733
AUA-1x 757
AVP-3x CRJ (Mesa), 4x DH8 (Piedmont)
BDA-1x 757
BDL-1x 757, 1x 321, 1x 734, 1x 319, 4x 733
BGI-1x 319
BGM-4x CRJ (Mesa), 1x CRJ (PSA), 3x DH8 (Piedmont)
BGR-3x CRJ (Mesa)
BHM-1x ERJ (Mesa)
BNA-1x E70 (Mid-Atlantic), 4x CRJ (Mesa)
BOS-3x 757, 2x 321, 1x 320, 4x 734, 8x 733, 1x ERJ (Chautauqua)
BTV-5x CRJ (Mesa), 1x CRJ (PSA), 1x DH8 (Piedmont)
BUF-4x 733, 1x CRJ (PSA), 1x ERJ (Chautauqua), 1x DH8 (Piedmont)
BWI-1x 757, 1x 733, 1x E70 (Mid-Atlantic), 5x DH8 (Piedmont)
CAE-3x ERJ (Mesa)
CDG-1x 333
CHO-4x DH8 (Piedmont)
CHS-1x 733, 2x CRJ (PSA), 1x ERJ (Chautauqua)
CLE-4x CRJ (Mesa), 2x CRJ (PSA)
CMH-2x 734, 1x 319, 2x 733
CUN-1x 767, 2x 319
CVG-5x CRJ (Mesa)
DCA-1x 319, 1x 733, 1x E70 (Mid-Atlantic), 3x CRJ (PSA), 1x ERJ (Chautauqua)
DEN-2x 320, 1x 319
DFW-1x 319, 2x 733, 2x E70 (Mid-Atlantic)
DTW-1x 733, 5x CRJ (Mesa), 1x ERJ (Mesa)
ELM-7x DH8 (Piedmont)
ERI-5x CRJ (Mesa)
FCO-1x 333
FLL-4x 757, 3x 321, 1x 734, 1x 319
FRA-1x 333
GRR-4x CRJ (Mesa)
GSO-3x ERJ (Chautauqua), 2x CRJ (PSA)
GSP-3x CRJ (Mesa)
HPN-5x DH8 (Piedmont)
HVN-4x DH8 (Piedmont)
IAH-5x E70 (Mid-Atlantic)
ILM-1x ERJ (Mesa)
IND-2x 734, 4x 733
IPT-6x DH8 (Piedmont)
ISP-5x DH8 (Piedmont)
ITH-2x CRJ (Mesa), 5x DH8 (Piedmont)
JAX-2x 319, 2x 733
LAS-2x 757, 2x 321, 1x 319
LAX-4x 321
LGA-1x 320, 2x CRJ (PSA), 2x ERJ (Chautauqua), 2x DH8 (Piedmont)
LGW-1x 333
MAD-1x 767
MAN-1x 333
MBJ-1x 321, 1x 319
MCI-1x 733, 1x E70 (Mid-Atlantic), 2x CRJ (Mesa)
MCO-2x 767, 4x 757, 3x 321, 1x 320, 1x 319, 1x 733
MDT-2x E70 (Mid-Atlantic), 6x DH8 (Piedmont)
MHT-1x 321, 3x 320, 3x 734, 1x 319
MIA-1x 320, 1x 734, 1x 319, 1x 733
MKE-1x E70 (Mid-Atlantic), 4x CRJ (Mesa)
MSP-3x CRJ (Mesa), 2x CRJ (PSA)
MSY-1x 320, 1x 734, 1x 319, 1x 733
MUC-1x 767
NAS-1x 321, 1x 734
ORD-3x 734, 4x 733
ORF-2x 734, 2x 733, 1x ERJ (Mesa), 2x DH8 (Piedmont)
PBI-1x 321, 1x 320, 1x 734, 1x 319, 2x 733
PHF-1x CRJ (PSA), 6x DH8 (Piedmont)
PHX-2x 321, 1x 320
PIT-1x 320, 3x 734, 2x 319, 1x 733, 1x E70 (Mid-Atlantic)
PUJ-1x 319
PVD-2x 757, 4x 734, 2x 319, 1x 733
PWM-3x CRJ (PSA), 3x CRJ (Mesa)
RDU-3x 734, 1x 319, 5x 733
RIC-2x 319, 2x 733, 2x CRJ (PSA), 1x CRJ (Mesa)
ROA-5x DH8 (Piedmont)
ROC-1x 320, 1x 733, 1x E70 (Mid-Atlantic), 2x CRJ (PSA), 2x ERJ (Chautauqua)
RSW-2x 321, 2x 734
SAN-2x 321, 1x 319
SBY-6x DH8 (Piedmont)
SCE-7x DH8 (Piedmont)
SDF-2x CRJ (Mesa), 1x CRJ (PSA), 1x ERJ (Chautauqua)
SEA-2x 320, 1x 319
SFO-3x 321
SJU-1x 333, 1x 767, 1x 319
STL-2x E70 (Mid-Atlantic), 2x CRJ (Mesa)
STT-1x 767
SWF-5x DH8 (Piedmont)
SXM-1x 757
SYR-2x 733, 1x E70, 4x CRJ (Mesa), 1x ERJ (Chautauqua)
TPA-4x 757, 1x 321, 1x 320, 2x 734, 1x 319, 1x 733
YOW-5x CRJ (PSA), 1x CRJ (Mesa)
YUL-1x 319, 1x 733, 3x CRJ (Mesa), 2x CRJ (PSA)
YYZ-3x CRJ (PSA), 2x ERJ (Chautauqua)

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