FALL recall 400?


May 3, 2006
I am furloughed and waiting to get called back. I overheard a flight attendant say that the company announced a recall for 400 in the fall. Any truth to that?
Nope...haven't heard a thing. It would be nice though....hang in there. They went through nearly 1000 F/As to get the 200 or so for June.
These numbers seem to change all the time, so keep an eye out for updates.

This part of a letter sent out from the union on or around April 18th.

"The Company has formally announced a recall of involuntary furloughed US Airways Flight Attendants effective June 1, 2006. Previously, via a CBS message and a press release, the Company had announced a recall of 400 Flight Attendants to occur in June and August. At this time the Company has told AFA they will be recalling 200 Flight Attendants for June and an additional 80 Flight Attendants effective August 1, 2006. According to Mike Finn, Director of Crew Resources, the reason for the change was driven by marketing. Due to block hour projections he has told AFA the Company is planning to recall 230 Flight Attendants in December. Increased aircraft utilization and the introduction of the first two of twenty five Embraer 190 mainline jets scheduled to begin revenue service in January 2007 would seem to account for the Company projection."
Sounds like some over-zealous f/a got their wires crossed and is spreading bogus information (GASP!)...the rumors I'm hearing are just the opposite.

Translation = Forget about the 80 Recalls that were previously slated for August. For that matter, forget any more Recalls until year end the earliest at this point...

but as Zarah said...the #'s change all the time, so who knows?

You just gotta laugh...this company is so hard to take seriously. You can't let it get the best of you...take it all with a grain of salt.