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FAA approves move by Atlanta-area airport opposed by Delta

but it was ok for AA and BN to influence the Wright Amendment but it's not ok for DL to offer its opinion?

and DL's name doesn't and won't appear on any 5 or 3 or 63 party agreement regarding airports in Georgia.

AA's does.
Where have I ever supported AA's position on the Wright Amendment, either past or present?

AA was foolish to get involved with Love Field politics. It was damaging to their local reputation when the lawsuits were still underway, and it was clear that they weren't doing it out of altruism or for the community as a whole, but to protect their own corporate interests.

It's like airlines supporting political candidates. You're going to alienate someone in the process, and eventually, you'll get bad press for it.

Right now, DL's being portrayed as the bully when it comes to Paulding. There's no other way their actions can possibly be interpreted as anything other than looking out for their own interests.
I didn't say you supported it... I just referenced that you noted the interested parties in the Love Field mess.

the press will find something to complain about... problem is that everyone in Paulding County EXCEPT the developer is opposed to the idea.

do you really think someone wants an airport in their backyard that will operate 365 days/year in order to have a slightly more convenient trip to Florida or LAS?

of course they don't - because for all but a few people, Paulding County airport is NOT more convenient than ATL but once the airport has been opened for commercial service, it's impossible to shut it down again and DL will show up which will add a whole lot more traffic.

if it isn't this story it will be something else... and the rest of the public will forget about it tomorrow.

BTW, DL stock hit its 52 week high today as most of the industry had a very good day on Wall Street.
People were somewhat opposed to Mesa-Williams, but aren't as upset now that Allegiant is offering dirt cheap fares.

DL moving in an dominating Paulding? Good luck with that.
eolesen said:
Where have I ever supported AA's position on the Wright Amendment, either past or present?

AA was foolish to get involved with Love Field politics. It was damaging to their local reputation when the lawsuits were still underway, and it was clear that they weren't doing it out of altruism or for the community as a whole, but to protect their own corporate interests.

It's like airlines supporting political candidates. You're going to alienate someone in the process, and eventually, you'll get bad press for it.

Right now, DL's being portrayed as the bully when it comes to Paulding. There's no other way their actions can possibly be interpreted as anything other than looking out for their own interests.
FWIW Delta hasn't seen much flack for it. Local media is much more focused on Southwest running and driving up fares. 
Just that I have seen, most people in the area think this is nothing more than a very stupid pipe dream. (of course I am not WT so I can't say EVERYONE is against it. Just the smallish sample size and the morning news seems to be on Delta's side or not give much of a crap one way or the other) 
however I agree with your point. 
WorldTraveler said:
DL employees don't want union bumping rules.

You and Kev will retire as non-union employees and die and DL will still not have union style bumping policies.

and if you really want them, you should go try your hand at AA and UA where you'll see how much they will be used.
I hope you are right. I would rather it not get bad enough around here that TechOps goes union. 
however, name your price on the ramp....cause I bet that one happens before i leave. (and I assume Kev) 
I hope you are right. I would rather it not get bad enough around here that TechOps goes union.
...Likewise, I would've rather it not become bad enough in ACS...

We "gave it a chance." it's not working. Time for change.
not sure what this has to do with Pauding County, Georgia

but, Kev,
1. when did you actually "give it a chance?" plz list the dates and time periods since the merger was announced when you stopped campaigning for a union on this site?
2. who is "we?" I thought this was a democratic process? can we see your poll results? what is good for the good is good for the gander. (feel free to rephrase and say "I didn't want to be a non-union employee the day the merger was even suggested and haven't changed my tune" that is your choice - and it is honest. And I respect for you that decision.
3. It is disingenuous at best to argue "it is not working." hogwash. you have enjoyed more pay raises than your peers at any other airline. You have kept the profit sharing and dramatically enhanced your own personal finances and lifestyle. and that is all great. Just don't say it hasn't worked out. It hasn't worked out the way YOU WANT - which is you in control, making decisions and not being subject to anyone else's views.
Your peers simply do not have the need for control that you do nor do they see that DL's version of QOL is so onerous.

You speak for yourself and you are welcome to do so. the voting record and the lack of any scheduled votes or wins says that your sense of the way you want the world to work is not the same as what your peers believe.

that is your choice.

just don't say it hasn't worked out. or that "we" don't like what "we have"
Kev3188 said:
WT bemoaning thread drift? On a tangent he helped along?
Decrying the use of the term "we?"
The irony is almost paralytic...
Yep. The dog turd saying the grass stinks.
WT bemoaning thread drift? On a tangent he helped along?
Decrying the use of the term "we?"
The irony is almost paralytic...
says the hypocrite that INCESSANTLY bemoans the DL that he never really gave a chance but wants everyone to think he did.

all the while spending his profit sharing check on all you can eat buffets in the Caribbean and beotching about the non-scope that DL offers that is the only thing that keeps him from moving to ATL where there are always jobs.
Hey, at least he stuck around. That's one better than you did. You just took the money and ran.
uh, and you just ran and then came back elsewhere.

and it is NOT a trophy just to stick around. airlines have more than enough of those.
WorldTraveler said:
says the hypocrite that INCESSANTLY bemoans the DL that he never really gave a chance but wants everyone to think he did.

all the while spending his profit sharing check on all you can eat buffets in the Caribbean and beotching about the non-scope that DL offers that is the only thing that keeps him from moving to ATL where there are always jobs.
do you work with Kev? Do you know how Delta has treated him? Do you know what his QOL is? 
nah you don't. Your talking out of your butt again just cause PROFIT SHARING!!!!!
doesn't mean he has a great QOL..... 
The answer to all of the above is, of course, "no."

I will say it's interesting that WT seems to know better how I spend my PS checks than even I do, though...

Maybe next year instead of the boring things I normally do with it, I'll look for an buffet near Paulding instead...

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