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Corn Field
Nov 11, 2003
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September 24, 2014
Today in Washington, D.C., the APFA Executive Committee voted unanimously, and the entire APFA Board of Directors supported its decision, to submit the Tentative Agreement (T/A) to the full APFA membership for a ratification vote. In the coming days, APFA will be distributing extensive information about the T/A and posting full and final language online. The Joint Negotiating Committee (JNC) and members of APFA leadership will also begin a tour of each of the bases, conducting road shows (see attached schedule) for Flight Attendants to hear the details of the T/A firsthand and ask questions about it. In the meantime, some of the highlights of our industry-leading T/A, brought to you by the dedicated Flight Attendants and professionals of the JNC, are provided below:
  • Industry leading total economic value combined with the best work rules in the industry. 
  • $193 million over the combined value of our current contracts. 
  • On December 1, 2014, top of pay scale increases to an industry-leading $53.52/hour (see attached pay chart).
    Current top of scale at LAA of $49.05/hour and LUS of $47.62/hour.
  • Top of scale pay increases by 9.1% for LAA Flight Attendants and 12.4% for LUS Flight Attendants.

[*]By the end of the T/A term, International top of pay scale is $62.25/hr with IPD Override* and $58.50/hr Domestic.
[*]Immediate wage increases across the board at date of signing (DOS) (December 1, 2014).
[*]2% raise for all Flight Attendants in years two, three, and four and a 3% raise for all Flight Attendants in the final year of the T/A.
[*]With a new, shortened pay scale from 15 to 13 years, Flight Attendants will reach industry-leading top of pay scale two years faster.
[*]Per Diem increases throughout the term of the contract.
[*]Lead/Purser pay on Domestic and International is increased or maintained including:
  • Wide-body Domestic Lead pay is $3.25 per hour.
  • Three-class Domestic Transcon A321T Purser pay is $4.75 per hour.
  • Wide-body International Lead/Purser pay of $6.50/$7.50 per hour.
  • Narrow-body Lead pay (new at LAA) of $1.25 to $3.75.

[*]*International Premium Destination (IPD) (Europe, deep South America, and Asia):
  • Override Pay $3.75 per hour.
  • Sign-in 1:15 before departure.

  • Override Pay $3.00 per hour.
  • Sign-in 1:00 before departure.

[*]Holiday pay is $75 if trip touches Thanksgiving, Christmas, or New Year’s Day.
[*]Training pay is $75 per day, including Recurrent Training.
[*]Deadhead 100% pay and credit including all premiums (i.e. Speaker, Purser, Override, etc.).
  • Retains LUS Scope and LPP, and extends to LAA.
    Protects jobs, preserves pay, and otherwise shields Flight Attendants from any adverse impact of a merger or other transaction.

  • Top vacation accrual of 35 days per year.
  • For LAA:
    PBS daily Vacation rate increases from 3 hours to 3.5 / 4 hours.
  • With PBS, up to nine Vacation splits.

[*]Includes ability to fly while on vacation.
  • For LUS, Sick Leave accrual maintained.
  • For LAA, Sick Leave accrual will incrementally increase from 3 hours per month to 4.5 hours per month over the term of the contract.
  • Six months salary continuance regardless of nature of injury; longer for certain types of aircraft accidents.
  • For LAA, maintains current AA Medical Plans.
  • For LUS, continues current US Airways Medical Plans through 2015:
    Beginning in 2016, move to current AA plans.
  • Within 45 days of DOS, LUS Flight Attendants receive $3,000 transition stipend for move to AA plans.

  • For LUS, maintains 3% company contribution and establishes a company match up to 2.5% on DOS.
  • For LAA, maintains current schedule of company contributions and company match.
  • Improves LAA Pay Protection to LUS language.
  • Improves or maintains Rescheduling language.
  • ETB / HIBOARD transactions processed up to one hour prior to departure.
  • Allows all Flight Attendants to access Open Time until 2 hours before departure.
  • Retains LAA satellite base language.
  • Improves or maintains Layover Rest.
    LUS improves to LAA language of minimum eight hours behind the door.

[*]Improves or maintains Critical Coverage (LAA)/Red Flag (LUS):
  • 150% pay and 100% credit.

[*]Improves or maintains On Duty Rig.
  • LUS improves to LAA language of 1:2.

  • Modifies Reserve Rotation
    First 12 months after initial training will be straight Reserve.
  • After one full year of service: one on / one off for a period of three years.
  • After four years of service: one on / three off.

[*]On call period, per day, reduced from 24 hours to 12 hours.
[*]Improves or maintains days off to 12 per month.
[*]Improves or maintains ability to pick up time above guarantee up to 12 days.
[*]Two-hour call out; three-hour co-terminal call out.
[*]Improves or maintains 12 hour minimum Home Base Rest (HBR).
  • Maintains current practice of LAA hotel layovers.
  • Crew rest on all flights scheduled 7:00 hrs. +.
  • Upon full operational integration, Flight Attendants can transfer to any base in the system (subject to availability).
Per the APFA Constitution, after voting unanimously to accept the T/A, the Joint Negotiating Committee made a thorough presentation to the APFA Executive Committee and the Board of Directors.  Per the APFA Constitution, the Executive Committee voted to submit the T/A to the membership for a ratification vote.
In addition, the Board of Directors, consisting of the Base Presidents from each base in the system (LAA and LUS), unanimously passed a resolution endorsing the EC’s decision to send the T/A out for ratification.
The T/A will not become a contract unless and until the membership ratifies it. There will be a 30-day balloting period during which all APFA members in good standing (no more than 60 days in dues arrears) will be eligible to vote. Ballots and instructions will be mailed to Flight Attendants’ home addresses.
Should the T/A fail a ratification vote, the economic terms of our contract (wages, premiums, sick, vacation, medical and 401(k)) will be decided in final and binding arbitration. As the Negotiations Protocol Agreement states, the arbitration panel will be required to establish a contract that is at least equal in value to the current LUS and LAA CBAs – “the floor” – and is market-based in the aggregate (defined by United, Continental, and Delta) – “the ceiling.” To reach the ceiling, the current combined costs of the LAA and LUS contracts would have to be increased by $111 million. The total value of the T/A is $193 million. The difference - $82 million – is the negotiated premium above what could be achieved in arbitration.
Achieving this industry-leading T/A required a tremendous amount of hard work. Flight Attendants should be proud of the tenacious efforts of our Joint Negotiating Committee. Stay tuned for more information on the T/A and be sure to attend one of the road shows at your base!
 to attend one of the road shows at your base!
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