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f/a''s ballots are out the choice is ours

FA Mikey

Aug 19, 2002
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9am July 11 is the deadline for ballots. The 3 choices are 1) Retain underfly, no scheduled additional furloughs. 2) Increase the scheduled on duty limits for domestic by 30 minutes, and the maximum by 1 hour. That''s only for flights that originate between 0600 and 1759. It also adds 59 minutes to the duty aloft time allowed as well. The E time, single duty period rig will be changed to 1 for 2 from the current 1 for 1 3/4. We will also change the 4:45 averaging to a 5 hour. Minimum trip would now be worth 15 hours instead of 14:45. With a possible 200 additional furloughs. Number 3 changes sick time to a 4 hour per day and a 70 hour monthly max accural for sick. Has the same duty rig changes as option 2 with a possible 300 additional furloughs.

My choice is option 2. It seems to be the best of the three. The changes to domestic flying Max are minimal. May offer higher time trips, which translates in to more days off. I don''t like touching sick time. Its for, or at least the intent is for people in need. You already lose out on per diem, language, and purser pay. Its money when you really need it. Last thing, underfly is just completely unacceptable.
Dont forget. To have your vote count it must be in the APFA, P.O. Box by 9am July 11. Dont vote. Dont complain about the outcome.