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Implementation Schedule for F/A LBFO


Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Dallas, TX
Here’s what AA posted regarding the implementation schedule:

(I was going to highlight some items, but for some reason the editing features are not working.) Note that probably in November the schedule monthly max will increase (up to 100 hours); however, it looks as if the 100 hour pay protection will be implemented--TBD, but no later than DOS+12. Say August or September of NEXT YEAR. (I'm shocked. Shocked, I tell you. Round up the usual suspects.)

Q: Is the LBFO implementation schedule known, assuming ratification?
A: The tentative Implementation Schedule is below:

Tentative Implementation Schedule for APFA Items (not an all-inclusive list)

Effective October 1 or the First Full contractual Month Following DOS

Eliminate Domestic aft galley pay
Eliminate International pay rates and replace with $3.00/hourly override
PVDs paid at daily rate
SK clearance moved to 1200 local base time
Effective October 1

Eliminate 30-in-7
Limit PVDs
Increase monthly schedule max (actual bid lines expected to increase in November)
Effective November 1

Lineholders will have 10 24-hour DFPs (option to relinquish 2 DFPs will happen at a later date TBD)
New On-Duty and Duty-Aloft limitations
Other Key Dates

Increased cross-utilization of Domestic/International reserves – estimated 1Q2013
Implement split SK bank – targeted July 2013
Implement PBS – estimated 4Q2013
Includes VC paid at daily rate
Fully combined Domestic/International operation
Includes 100 hour trip protection
Automated Daily Bidding – TBD
Implement Reserve TA items – TBD
Cross-Division and Out of Base flying for lineholders – TBD
Implement interim pay protection – TBD no later than DOS+12 (8/21/12)