Extra Shuttle Sections


Aug 20, 2002
Los Angeles
Just wondering when the last time they needed an extra section on the Shuttle or whether they even offer it anymore? Do they still have a speare at each of the three airports? Also, can they even do it if needed on the DCA legs considering they need to have a marshall on board?
Extra sections are few and far between now. There has not a spare in DCA for at least a year or more. I don't know about BOS. Any extra A/C would probably be only In LGA. Since there is no longer a dedicated shuttle fleet, I guess CCY feels there is no need for for a spare. One thing is for certain, the "GENIUS's" in CCY have continued to do things as poorly as ever. They seem to have the "Midas Touch "in REVERSE. Everything they touch turns to crap ie: The Florida Shuttle, The NE Shuttle. BWI, The build up and teardown of IAD, Minihubs in CLE,IND and MCI, The dismantling of 90% of the westcoast operation and we can go on and on.
I also noticed another interesting tidbit regarding the shuttle--on weekends the 733 is mixed in with the 319's to operate the LGA shuttle flights. It looks more and more like a regular flight operation and less like a dedicated shuttle every day.

My best to you all...
USAirways isn't smart enough to sell the Shuttle and actually get something for it. They are in the process of slowly choking it to death with mismanagement. It's beginning to look like a mainline operation simply because that's what the CCY folks are doing. Soon there will be no dedicated Shuttle aircraft or crews and the schedules will go down the tubes. It's the exact same thing Schofield did with the Florida Shuttle: take a diamond and run it through a rock crusher....then wonder why it's all but worthless.
There are no longer shuttle dedicated aircraft and there are no shuttle spare airplanes either. We are lucky to have 2-3 mainline spares and they are usually used up by 8am.

Shuttle flying is on both the 733 and the 319 and the lines of flying are generally on an airplane that is dedicated to a shuttle line of flying for the entire day - except for maintenance routing purposes.

The true "shuttle" type product at both US and DL are not even close to what they used to be.
It is amazing that they waste a mainline A/C on the Shuttle all day in the first place. Other than the peak times the loads don't justify a 319 or a 733 hauling 40-50 passenegers. There are plenty of stations and markets that have been abandoned that could have hauled more passengers and generated more revenue than the Shuttle. It is just a matter of not wanting to blink first with DL flying their Shuttle operation. Sell it and take the money and run. The market is not what it once was, and the high speed trains will continue to kill it as time goes on. The company is not making a profit with this operation, yet they continue to fly it hourly. They tell us that if a market or station is not profitable that is must go, so why bleed to death on the Shuttle?
The 6, 7, 8, are always full then it slows down it used to be 6 7 8 9 and an extra section but you have to realize that a lot of these business NYC that our customers flew to are not there but when they return it will get better it has already started to the loads are showing it....

But here is the kicker BOS doesn't staff the counter with enough help so psgrs miss and walk down the hall to delta amazing enough that this would be aloud to happen nobody seems to care...............................
The LGA Shuttle market going partial 733's on Saturdays is a great move, freeing up 2-3 more 319's for Saturday only Carribean service. In another move to continue to de-Shuttlelize the Shuttle, I learned yesterday starting March 1st there will no longer be a dedicated Shuttle coordinator in O.C.C. nor the twice daily Shuttle conferance calls. The eliminated dedicated Shuttle positions in O.C.C. will be intergrated into the respective Mainline units for the 319 and 733 respecitively. On a smooth day this impact will be miniumal, on one of those "rare" days when LGA,BOS, and DCA have ATC, bad weather, or both then the integrity of the Shuttle operational performance will suffer big time. Once again, load gun, aim at foot, pull trigger. :down:

I think you will see MDA aircraft appearing on the shuttle off peak times by mid summer to fall. That has been said many times over and should be a matter of getting the airplanes up and running and you will see them appear on Shuttle flights.


It is true that the Shuttle Coordinators desk will be eliminated March 1, but isn't there also a traffic management desk in OCC that will help with slot allocations during ATC issues? There should not be a significant change in the way the Shuttle performs during irregular operations.
USAir won't be the first to use RJ's on the shuttle if MDA 170's show up. DL has been using Comair CRJ's on weekends and other slow times for a while. They operate out of the shuttle MAT building in LGA, and also use the dedicated shuttle gates in BOS. Not sure what they do in DCA, but the DL shuttle operates out of the same gates anyway..


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