diogenes said:
It works the other way in some out-stations. The weight restrictions on the RJ's are causing bou-cou PAWOB's, a problem you don't have on mainline.
It's enough of a problem that the Palace called around a few months ago, getting specifics on PAWOB's. They allowed as how the express interim and delivery costs were huge.
Blaming weight-restricted flights is all fine and dandy for outstations, but when those same agents at the out-stations fail to expedite bags in their downtime and simply dump bags on the next flight to a hub (or "focus city" - I hate that stupid monikker), then that makes the next city responsible for the problem.
Customer: Where's my bag?
Baggage Service Agent: We'll try to locate it for you, ma'am.
C: Every time I fly into (pick a large station), you people lose my bag!
BSA: Let's file a bag claim and we'll try to get it to you as soon as possible.
C: I checked my bag in (hmm...who should I pick on...oh, yeah. My favorite!) ERI, and I'm
just so sure that they put it on the plane.
BSA: I'll call the ramp lead and see if your bag is still down there.
Of course it isn't, because the ding-dong agents in ERI didn't load it and have absolutely no desire to let anyone know that the bag is there, because that takes
effort, and they are just
soooo busy.
So, hours later, here comes a runner to baggage reroute with a bunch of bags from a previous flight that just arrived on a recent flight. No expedite tags, no information in the passenger's record, and when you call ERI, whoever answers the phone pleads ignorance, blaming the previous shift or, better yet, simply saying, "We don't have time to worry about that stuff. We're very busy here." Really? What's so important? Tanning time? Regis and Kelly? Chicken vs. Egg? Lunch?
If you want someone to do something in this day and age at some of these out-stations, you have to rattle a sabre and threaten their livelyhood. Don't know how to do it? We can teach you. Don't have time to do it? We'll show you how to budget your time wisely. Don't want to do it? Find another employer who will tolerate your silliness. If this airline needs to save money any way it can, then this stupidity with baggage
must end.