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Execs Dumping Stock

Who is to blame? Answer: those senior managment who mismanaged the company and drove it to the point of two bk. Those who did not take the risks and are quick to cash in the stock that was given to them. No pain was shared by managment, my friend. I know. I blame those who made the decisions to screw the shareholders, creditors, and employees by going into bk and having NO viable business plan but to take from the employees any value to the job. And they are still on the property!

You don't like my type of posting...?

Tough $%^&!!!

You don't like mine either so what?! You have a valid point, but so do I. I never rely on anyone to put food in my mouth and neither have you. Stop passing out the tissue please! This is a new company, go tend to yours if you don't have anything to do but pass tissue out!
You don't like mine either so what?! You have a valid point, but so do I. I never rely on anyone to put food in my mouth and neither have you. Stop passing out the tissue please!
REad the proxy...while Parker declined a bonus... the other execs mentioned took theirs. The LOWEST paid was $414,000...pretty decent living, several YEARS pay for the average US/AWA employee.

You know, an airline full of executives is NOTHING without the line employees...who gave and gave again to "save" the airline. Seems kind of crappy that execs who were paid at least a half a MILLION in salary and bonuses don't have enough faith that the airline will survive, that they exercise MILLIONS in stock options just as soon as they could. Those execs apparently don't rely on anyone to put food in their mouths either...they just take as quick as they can...looking out for number 1 is the goal...right?
You don't like mine either so what?! You have a valid point, but so do I. I never rely on anyone to put food in my mouth and neither have you. Stop passing out the tissue please! This is a new company, go tend to yours if you don't have anything to do but pass tissue out!

I was going to delete this post....I violated my own rule about not get emotional. I'm just sick and tired about hearing the past and ASSUMING things haven't changed. Well things were pretty hunky dory at HP before this merger even though we were always hanging by a thread...we found a way to make things work and I believe better days are ahead. Pardon me if I have some hope.
Indeed Eric it is a new company. One that apparently prides itself on treating the customers poorly.

Bob, I'm sorry your experience with the new U has not been...shall we say...to your liking or what you've been accustomed to. I don't really know how to answer it other than if I was as unhappy as you are I'd fly another airline. I don't have anything to do with frontline customer service or even customer service behind the scenes. I live for making the mechanics job easier on the floor. Perhaps once employee integration is under raps the company will focus more attention to those areas of your concerns. Don't know. I'll keep doing my job to the best of my ability with high hopes my contribution will make a difference.
I have a track record of being very supportive or openly hostile and getting my message out via the media.

Bob, I hate to say it but it sounds like your used to getting your way or else! If I was a businessman...you said it in fact...keep emotions out of it. In your view we are not running our business to suit your needs. Why make it a personal vendetta that will ultimately affect us at the bottom. Well..I suppose some would take the view that a little bad medicine is good for ya in the long run. It's a free country...do what you feel is right.
Well I've been in business for 33 years in some capacity or other, and I've NEVER EVER had a situation where I've sent the level of $$$$$ to a company that i have sent to US Airways and gotten the level of response that I've gotten for US Airways.

I sent one (note ONE) scathing fax along with reciepts to Consumer Affairs in INT and within a few days, NOTE days not months I got a PHONE CALL from a gentleman who identified himself as being from "Mr Siegels office" who proceeded to ask "Mr Johnson, Mr Siegel would like to know what it would take to get your give US Airways another chance?". My reply was "You just did! If Mr Siegel is man enough to have someone call, then I'm man enough to give you a second chance" That incident is one of the key reasons I'm still on US. You ask Teddy and 700UW how i defended Siegel in the media and on here! Now you and they know why.

Contrast Seigel's conduct to that of Customer Relations and Scott Kirby. I'm 90 days into a confrontation and I get squat diddly and all I've gotten are two lame off topic responses from people with 5th grade writing skills.

That's a HUGE contrast Eric. Lip service versus a real attempt at Customer satisfaction. That one 5 minute phone call probably guaranteed US Airways 50K in revenue. I'd say that's a pretty good ROI wouldn't you?

I've got the Certified Letter, DOT & Small Claims Court and some negative press as cards in my hand that are yet to be played. Vendetta? I don't think so. I just don't roll over and play dead because some arrogant little turd graduated the Air Force Academy and thinks he's hot excrement. They wanna play hard ball that's works for me, then Eric you're correct it does become personal and that's where it's headed
As an East employee who came to PHX to work, its amazing you even get a letter from Customer Relations. I dont know how the West gets a plane off the gate. They treat the employees as if you are dependant upon management for your next breath of air. They never return calls to internal customers, which is unfortunately the way i hear they treat external customers as well. I am so sorry..and embarrassed...
My recommendation to all US employees. Given the debt load, the price of oil, and an uncertain business plan, BK lightning could strike thrice.

Start some night or online courses NOW. Reduce your debt NOW. Sacrifice and save money NOW. Polish the resume and line up letters of reference NOW.

Hope you don't need it, but it's too risky too assume otherwise.
But it is a fact of life that in our economic system that these things will happen and bottom line if were any of us cashing out we wouldn't see what the big deal is. Fairness is not an integral part of capitlism.
From the workers point of view, this is the ugly side of capitolism.
You don't like mine either so what?! You have a valid point, but so do I. I never rely on anyone to put food in my mouth and neither have you. Stop passing out the tissue please! This is a new company, go tend to yours if you don't have anything to do but pass tissue out!


Your post have no validity. And I don't take my orders from the small fish.

Reality check: Two losing airlines merged together. The investors were convinced that the synergy between these two companies may make it viable. Purely speculation.

From my perch, I've seen no difference in Managements. You still have the union busters on the property.

Think you still need them kool-aide man?

I was going to delete this post....I violated my own rule about not get emotional. I'm just sick and tired about hearing the past and ASSUMING things haven't changed. Well things were pretty hunky dory at HP before this merger even though we were always hanging by a thread...we found a way to make things work and I believe better days are ahead. Pardon me if I have some hope.

Your own CEO spin master said in early 2005 that without a merger, AWA would possibly be looking at BK.

Please, get the toilet paper!

Bob, I'm sorry your experience with the new U has not been...shall we say...to your liking or what you've been accustomed to. I don't really know how to answer it other than if I was as unhappy as you are I'd fly another airline. I don't have anything to do with frontline customer service or even customer service behind the scenes. I live for making the mechanics job easier on the floor. Perhaps once employee integration is under raps the company will focus more attention to those areas of your concerns. Don't know. I'll keep doing my job to the best of my ability with high hopes my contribution will make a difference.

First and formost in Customer service 101, never tell a customer, "if unhappy, fly another airline"! Never, no matter what.

They are essential to your job security and the company's.
How infantile. I would bet those rank employees who invested in AWA put in THEIR OWN MONEY.

I don't give a hoot about DP. This is not 1995, and the company is not AWA anymore.

Who is to blame? Answer: those senior managment who mismanaged the company and drove it to the point of two bk. Those who did not take the risks and are quick to cash in the stock that was given to them. No pain was shared by managment, my friend. I know. I blame those who made the decisions to screw the shareholders, creditors, and employees by going into bk and having NO viable business plan but to take from the employees any value to the job. And they are still on the property!

You don't like my type of posting...?

Tough $%^&!!!

Who is being infantile? This response reads like a grade schooler wrote it.

I noticed that when someone has a different opinion to your's pit you bash them.Actually anytime someone has a difference of opinion to any of the unions they get bashed. Why is that?
My question to PitBull would be.....

If the Executive Managers of this company have a contract that provides for stock options and bonuses, why would you advocate violating their contract? A contract is a contract, right? You are only as good as what you negotiate, right?

Piney Bob.....

Just curious.....what type of issue are you taking to small claims court? At the risk of sounding disrespectful, but I tend to agree with Eric. You seem to have an obsession with US and being acknowledged by the Senior Managers of this company. While I agree that every consumer complaint/comment should be addressed, why is it so important that you be addressed by Mr. Parker, Mr. Kirby or another Senior Manager?

If you had an issue with a hotel chain that you used frequently, do you persue them with the same level of passion and determination? How about a restaurant? Or do you chalk it up to a bad experience and take your business elsewhere?

Lastly, what specific complaints are you looking to have addressed by Senior Management? I understand the issues with the new web site and no one likes changes, especially if they feel that the change (in the DM program) has taken some perk of benefit away. It seems like it has now become an obsession with just getting them to acknowledge you. Would your attitude be different if this Management embraced you and the Ffocus group as a customer advocacy group?

I mean absolutely no disrespect to you, I am just trying to get a crystal clear picture of what the true issues are.
I don't understand what the big deal is here. CEO's and execs at most companies do the same thing everyday. This isn't specific to US. My CEO makes boatloads more than I do, and I would expect that. If any one of you had stock and options and you felt it was beneficial to execute/sell them, you would do it too. What do you expect them to do, sell everything and distribute equally among the workerbees? While in theory that would be nice, but it just doesn't work that way, in most companies.

There are certainly other things to fault management with, but this really isn't one of them. Go elsewhere to work and you'll see exactly the same thing.

Now golden parachutes IMO suck, but again, if they were smart enough to negotiate them when hired or promoted, oh well....as so many on here preach....you must stick to what is negotiated-no more/no less!! That's corporate America....not worth getting your panties wadded up over it.
I don't understand what the big deal is here. CEO's and execs at most companies do the same thing everyday. This isn't specific to US. My CEO makes boatloads more than I do, and I would expect that. If any one of you had stock and options and you felt it was beneficial to execute/sell them, you would do it too. What do you expect them to do, sell everything and distribute equally among the workerbees? While in theory that would be nice, but it just doesn't work that way, in most companies.

There are certainly other things to fault management with, but this really isn't one of them. Go elsewhere to work and you'll see exactly the same thing.

Now golden parachutes IMO suck, but again, if they were smart enough to negotiate them when hired or promoted, oh well....as so many on here preach....you must stick to what is negotiated-no more/no less!! That's corporate America....not worth getting your panties wadded up over it.

The issue is that it's 9 months into the merger, and top executives are showing a lack of faith in the future of the company.
The issue is that it's 9 months into the merger, and top executives are showing a lack of faith in the future of the company.

Two bankruptcies in just over three years at USAir which wiped out the common stock of executives and worker bees alike.

Can you blame these guys for wanting to fleece other investors by cashing out some of their LCC stock just in case it happens a third time?

These stock sales are a complete non-story. Management makes more money than us and is now selling its stock to other suckers who think it's headed to $100/share.

And that's why WN is so successful compared to most other airlines. From the top down, it's all about more than just making a buck. They truly believe in taking care of the employees, who will take care of the customers, who will provide the revenue to take care of the stockholders. Old US or new US, it's still stockholders first, everyone else be damned. If the people at the top had confidence in the future of the company, they would hold on to their stock with the expectation that the value of the company would increase and so would the price of the stock. Their actions speak louder than words.

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