EVIL . . . Dick Cheney. . . . . Second ONLY, to Adolph Hitler !

Aug 20, 2002

G O . . . A H E A D.

GO AHEAD and read the story and the letter.

S T A R E.

GO AHEAD and STARE at thier Pictures.

And as you STARE at thier pictures, focus not so much on EL-CHIMPO (who is " one Washing Machine-Dial Click " away from official Mental Retardation ), but that of Richard (DICK) CHENEY, . . . And TELL ME,. . . . . that what you see is NOT the. . . . DEVIL INCARNATE !
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Well...good cyber friends...dell and sparrow, I know I can't say that your 100% wrong in your opinions on this subject.
I guess I won't/can't rest, until that dirty C S er is in the ground, and the main-course for the worms and hopefully MAGGOTS ! !
Well...good cyber friends...dell and sparrow, I know I can't say that your 100% wrong in your opinions on this subject.
I guess I won't/can't rest, until that dirty C S er is in the ground, and the main-course for the worms and hopefully MAGGOTS ! !

Somehow i think Mr Cheney and some of his colleagues and adversaries may be sharing a room at the Fiery Furnace Suites on Brimstone Blvd.
Hitler? Are you freaking serious???? There is no one in the Bush Administration who comes close to Hitler. They be corrupt, morally bankrupt and who knows what else but they are not Hitler.

My family was there. They were in the camps. They know what Hitler was. To imply that Cheney is equal to Hitler marginalizes everything that SOB did.

End of rant
Hitler? Are you freaking serious???? There is no one in the Bush Administration who comes close to Hitler. They be corrupt, morally bankrupt and who knows what else but they are not Hitler.

My family was there. They were in the camps. They know what Hitler was. To imply that Cheney is equal to Hitler marginalizes everything that SOB did.

End of rant

The last paragraph is what for me makes some of the similarities of Obama to Hitler quite scary.. Compare? Not yet and hopefully not.ever!

Unlike you I did not have family members in the camps. I did have a very brave Uncle who fought with Patton liberate some camps. He did from time to time talk about it and whatever Ms Tree says on this BELIEVE it. My Uncle told me at one point none of the men in his platoon ate for a week giving their rations to the survivors until help arrived. It was a gruesome time to be sure..
All due respect there has not been, is not and hopefully never will be anyone who is even close to Hitler.

I cannot stand Bush or Cheney. I think Cheney has a cold heart and has a cruel and heartless streak a mile long but he is not even close to Hitler. Neither is Obama no mater how much you hate him.

Just my two cents
Hitler? Are you freaking serious???? There is no one in the Bush Administration who comes close to Hitler. They be corrupt, morally bankrupt and who knows what else but they are not Hitler.

My family was there. They were in the camps. They know what Hitler was. To imply that Cheney is equal to Hitler marginalizes everything that SOB did.

End of rant

Understand that, but you never experienced the conditions that created and grew the situation..................Hitler was a much respected man in the early days...those things don't flip over night.
Honestly NHBB this is just silly. We have an entire government at the beck and call of International banks (banksters) and Crony Capitalist from the Military Industrial Complex enslaving us daily and all you have to worry about is Dick Cheney? He's got a bad ticker and he's one good hard fart away from death and we waste bandwidth on it?

You're being just as silly as he is by comparing Obama to Hitler.

G O . . . A H E A D.

GO AHEAD and read the story and the letter.

S T A R E.

GO AHEAD and STARE at thier Pictures.

And as you STARE at thier pictures, focus not so much on EL-CHIMPO (who is " one Washing Machine-Dial Click " away from official Mental Retardation ), but that of Richard (DICK) CHENEY, . . . And TELL ME,. . . . . that what you see is NOT the. . . . DEVIL INCARNATE !

Dick Cheney was the vice-president. The only real power he had was to cast a tie breaking vote in the senate. So anything that happened in the Bush administration is on GWB, not Cheney.
Understand that, but you never experienced the conditions that created and grew the situation..................Hitler was a much respected man in the early days...those things don't flip over night.

Well respected now may be tomorrows tyrant/genocidal maniac. Just look at some of Time magazines previous selections for "Man of the Year"

1938- Adolf Hitler
1939 and 1942 Joeseph Stalin

The title is also held by Clinton, Bush, Obama, Johnson, Nixon, and many many others. Well respected today can become tomorrows monster. Never ever stop questioning leaders motives and actions. The german people quit questioning Hitlers actions until it was too late to avoid complete distruction. I never judge a presidents term as successful or unsuccessful until he is out of office. Only then can you say for sure if he was a "good" "bad" or "mediocre" president. Hopefully we never have to endure as a nation one that gets judged a 'monster"
You're being just as silly as he is by comparing Obama to Hitler.

Whether you agree or not there are some striking similarities regarding policy statements.

Do I think Obama shares the raw hatred the Hitler clearly had? NO!
Dick Cheney was the vice-president. The only real power he had was to cast a tie breaking vote in the senate. So anything that happened in the Bush administration is on GWB, not Cheney.
Cheery may not have official power but I believe he welled massive amounts of power and influence behind the scene. No proof, just a hunch.
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Well respected now may be tomorrows tyrant/genocidal maniac. Just look at some of Time magazines previous selections for "Man of the Year"

1938- Adolf Hitler
1939 and 1942 Joeseph Stalin

The title is also held by Clinton, Bush, Obama, Johnson, Nixon, and many many others. Well respected today can become tomorrows monster. Never ever stop questioning leaders motives and actions. The german people quit questioning Hitlers actions until it was too late to avoid complete distruction. I never judge a presidents term as successful or unsuccessful until he is out of office. Only then can you say for sure if he was a "good" "bad" or "mediocre" president. Hopefully we never have to endure as a nation one that gets judged a 'monster"

OK, . . . . . 'Till they're out of office',. . . for the most part, i can 'go with that'.
ANYTHING those two MFers did with regard to Iraq, can NEVER be forgiven, ....EVER. !

Sure Saddam was NF Good, but at that point in time, there were other guys in the world as bad as S-H, BUT we didn't choose to go to those contries to 'Nation Build'.