Putting us in the penalty box? We have been in the penalty box for over 15 years now. The company hasn't even acknowledged our sacrifices for that time. Hell, they don't even have the common decency to; at the very least, bring our holidays and sick time on par with our LUS counterparts. The $3000.00 so called bonus is basically a bridge payment for the payroll switch to the LUS WORKBRAIN system. So, the only people getting a bonus (for all intents and purposes) would be the LUS employees - as they are already on WORKBRAIN.
We are stuck in the middle. We have a company that lies to us about virtually everything they promise us, and a greedy union - whose main concern is for the international; as opposed to, the quality of the pay, and benefits the membership receives.
Now many of us are skeptical about what master GP serves, the international, or the largest local. and its members? His future benefits - retirement etc. would come from the international. What task do you suppose his international string pullers gave him? The popular response is maintain headcount, i.e. dues payers. He knows most of us; at this point, are done accepting less to maintain headcount. Been there, done that, it doesn't work.
That's just part of the problems we have on the LAA side. Now, courtesy of Jim Little, and Don Videtich, we are put on even footing with a much smaller group from the IAM side. These guys are under the delusion that they will be allowed to be the only ones with the old school medical plan, and maintain their multi employer, IAM run, failing, pension plan. This IAM group has to agree to bring any proposal to a vote, and have stated that if they don't get the above items they won't.