Employees Are Your Brand Ambassadors


Aug 20, 2002
branding.....BRAND CULTURE.......the way to superb quality service/product/brand....

hope the leadership gets this right the first time..

"Internal training of employees, some 40,000 before the downsizing and rationalizing ensues, will be critical because no matter what an integrated marketing says, if the front line people are not delivering on the promise, the campaign will not hold up.

"If you look at JetBlue, they've really focused on customer service, and the new US Airways has a great opportunity to look at customers needs," said Deborah Brown, partner in Peppercom, a New York strategic communications shop. "By full service do they mean you get a full meal, do customers really care about that or would they rather have digital TV because they're really bored on long flights?"

Melancon adds that in a service-based business, people are your brand so the first thing company managers should do is start paying attention to them.

"What airlines have not done is understand how brand culture drives the brand experience of your consumer, so understanding that everyone on the front line, be it the gate check in person, the operator who answers the 800 number or a flight attendant, can be your brand ambassador if you make them one," he said."

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art....you said it...from your keyboard to God's ear ,to hp management's email..