Chip, read the clause from our contract it reads the same as yours, also Mid-Atlantic is not mainline as pilots, F/As, mechanics and agents will not be paid mainline rates.
Scope and Job Security.
The Scope and Job Security provision in the 2002 Restructuring Agreement is eliminated and replaced as follows:
• The Company will maintain a minimum fleet size of 279 Total Mainline* Aircraft (inclusive of maintenance and spares), subject to a force majeure clause that includes acts of terrorism.
*Mainline excludes MDA RJ aircraft
• • •
Mid Atlantic Airways (MDA).
The MDA Letter in 2002 Restructuring Agreement will be supplemented with the following language:
The parties agree that in bargaining a first agreement for MDA, the terms and conditions of employment will be cost competitive with other Regional Express Carriers.
Where the Company, at its sole discretion, elects to utilize mainline mechanical and related personnel to perform MDA work, such employees will operate under the terms of the existing CBA except that the Company may elect to provide necessary MDA training to employees assigned by the Company to perform such work in their location, classification and on their shift. Such trained employees will be subject to a 9 month stability period as described in Article 17, J of the Basic Agreement.
Scope and Job Security.
The Scope and Job Security provision in the 2002 Restructuring Agreement is eliminated and replaced as follows:
• The Company will maintain a minimum fleet size of 279 Total Mainline* Aircraft (inclusive of maintenance and spares), subject to a force majeure clause that includes acts of terrorism.
*Mainline excludes MDA RJ aircraft
• • •
Mid Atlantic Airways (MDA).
The MDA Letter in 2002 Restructuring Agreement will be supplemented with the following language:
The parties agree that in bargaining a first agreement for MDA, the terms and conditions of employment will be cost competitive with other Regional Express Carriers.
Where the Company, at its sole discretion, elects to utilize mainline mechanical and related personnel to perform MDA work, such employees will operate under the terms of the existing CBA except that the Company may elect to provide necessary MDA training to employees assigned by the Company to perform such work in their location, classification and on their shift. Such trained employees will be subject to a 9 month stability period as described in Article 17, J of the Basic Agreement.