I hear you! (my 501 brother)
But plz. allow the ol' bear to make a few points here.
(I'm too lazy to quote some previous posters, on this topic, but some key points were made that need to be put into prospective.)
1. We, and the WHOLE INDUSTRY,(yes WN, you too) need to wait and see what ultimately happens with UAL(and too a lesser degree, US)
2. AA management MUST get, from APA(AT ALMOST ANY $$ COST), contract language that will allow AA to unleash, IMHO, probably AA's most deadly weapon, AMERICAN EAGLE.
Lets face it, we're 2 airlines in 1. So for the time being, until the economy turns around, lets utilize AE to it's fullest!
In a way, thats how we will shrink to profitability.
3. (Mikey's right) DO NOT put the seats back in.(MRTC)
4. Watch VERY closely to see how the BOS/LGA/DCA RJ shuttle works out. This is definitely a test case, that could have some surprising results.
Permit me to repeat myself on A/E. I'm no huge fan of A/E, but (like it or not) we(AMR) have a huge advantage over the competition, do to our route system, and the fact that A/E is DAM* near in the top ten in size of US airlines. Now having said that, I truly believe APA can be convinced to loosen up the A/E language. That means that it's TOTALLY UP TO AA MANAGEMENT. to get the job done. PERIOD !!!!!!!!!!!!
As far as concessions go, I think(in an absolute worst case scenario) that, work rule changes, less VC, and less medical(etc) will fly
I think that a reduction in established hourly pay rates WILL NOT.
Finally, it's up to each employee to figure out what is their bottom line.
Speaking only for myself, I'll retire, early(with a small monthly check), before I give up ONE CENT of my hourly rate.
But again, that's my bottom line !!!!!!!!
Like someone said earlier, there is life after the airline industry
I don't believe it will come to that ,because we're AA. And if we can't pull it off, NO ONE CAN.
ps. JFK, your DEFINITELY right about OLD FART, I mean D O G -- F A R T !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!