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Eastern Continental | Usairways Virginusa ?


Aug 20, 2002
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Eastern Continental repeat?

Does anyone on this board remember Continental acquiring Eastern and then moving her best assets over to Continental? Could this be the plan, Usairway will slowly move her best assets over to VirginUSA and then fold the rest. Bronner ends up a major stock holder in VirginUSA?
i could see this happening now it'd probably be better to work for virgin usa with their mgmt then to keep giving in to this money-labor contract stealing mgmt
last thing it would be called would be virgin...don't think anyone here would argue that.... :lol:
US is going to be a part of STAR. Branson and VS are not interested in STAR. US is too deeply involved in getting a member in STAR.

Yes Branson might be interested to accuire US but he also might be intersted in some other operation. All he is looking for is to be immediately up and running with a certificate and routs.

I don't think that US is going into that direction and that thinking about this possebility is a waste of energy.
If you (edited)s think that youre going to have anything to do with VirginUSA, you're sadly mistaken. Branson doesn't want ANYTHING to do with folks like OldCodgerinPa, robbedagain, delldude, 700uw, or pitbull. You are poison to most companies and their work forces. They'd rather hire ex-Iraqi soldiers before they'd let a bunch of grumbling, self centered babies onto the property.

VirginUSA may get pieces of US, but they certainly will take a single employee.
TheX said:
If you (edited)s think that youre going to have anything to do with VirginUSA, you're sadly mistaken. Branson doesn't want ANYTHING to do with folks like OldCodgerinPa, robbedagain, delldude, 700uw, or pitbull. You are poison to most companies and their work forces. They'd rather hire ex-Iraqi soldiers before they'd let a bunch of grumbling, self centered babies onto the property.

VirginUSA may get pieces of US, but they certainly will take a single employee.
How is it poison standing up for CONTRACTS that Dave agreed too?

Why should any union or employee agree to more cuts if they have squandered what the employees and vendors have given them back all ready and why should they when they can't even honor the contracts they agreed twice in two rounds of concessions all ready?

And no airline has ever been saved by obtaining concession after concession after concession from its employees.

Virgin Atlantic is hiighly unionized and Branson recognizes unions and treats his employees with respect and dignity.

You have no idea, you don't work here and witness your coworkers get laid off while the company feels they don't have to honor contracts they signed.

And the employees of US have given back over $1.1 billion a year and over 27,000 employees have lost thier jobs.

And if the best you can do is call us morons for standing up for our rights, then you have no idea of what respect or honor means.
TheX said:
They'd rather hire ex-Iraqi soldiers before they'd let a bunch of grumbling, self centered babies onto the property.

VirginUSA may get pieces of US, but they certainly will take a single employee.
Hey Thex
Chill-out.....Maybe after you work a few more years with the airline business you will understand. :shock:
At what point does standing up for one's rights become shooting oneself in the foot?
TheX said:
If you (edited)s think that youre going to have anything to do with VirginUSA, you're sadly mistaken. Branson doesn't want ANYTHING to do with folks like OldCodgerinPa, robbedagain, delldude, 700uw, or pitbull. You are poison to most companies and their work forces. They'd rather hire ex-Iraqi soldiers before they'd let a bunch of grumbling, self centered babies onto the property.

VirginUSA may get pieces of US, but they certainly will take a single employee.
i'm only in my mid 20s and raising a 21 month old special needs son witrh help from my mom and sister as well as the state so tell me exactly why i wouldnt be hired since i have done a "horrible job??????? can you explain i didnt think so
so leave me out
bofie said:
At what point does standing up for one's rights become shooting oneself in the foot?
I have the feeling that a lot of Unions gamble with the future of their members. It is like politics, they just tell the members what they want them to believe and stand up for, regardless if it is realistic or not. Yes I agree that contracts should be honored but when times are tough there must be a way to not just demand and adjustments have to be made. It is like the stock market. Prices adjust every day and in reality nothing gets better all the time. Look at history and you will see that there had been people in the 20's that used to have good jobs and all over the sudden they had no jobs or had to get along with less. We are humans and capable to adjust. It is just up to us to make it harder or easier on our self. Shouting matches are not constructive and will not get ou anywhere. And following blindly the masses is not the solution neither.

Unions should demand restrictions and concessions on benefits, salaries, bonuses etc for the managemetn and work with them on a solution and not against them. I know every one thinks they are qualified to run a business, but I want to caution you. Running a business is not that easy. You have to make decesions that will ensure the long term benefit of the company and every decesion you make you will have as may people complaining that they don't like it as you will have employees.

Managers are not there to winn a popularitycontest, their job is it to run a business. And sometimes we don't see the big picture because we are in the picture. So put your idiologies by side and start looking at what is going on with an objective mind. Put your self into a situation where you are the owner and you have to balance a budget. At what point would you start to say this is it. Either you follow me or I have to close down!!!!!!!!

Do you want U to close down. I don't think that all of you will find new jobs. I will even go as far as the minority will. So don't just think about what you or your group want, think of every one at U and what is good for them.

Being presistent is not bad but beeing stubborn is. And I get the feeling both sides are stubborn and narrow minded.
robbedagain said:
i could see this happening now it'd probably be better to work for virgin usa with their mgmt then to keep giving in to this money-labor contract stealing mgmt
i don't think you'll be going over there....... :down:
does that deal with the antitrust issues or what or how would that work if virgin atlantic did do this type of merger?
TheX said:
If you (edited)s think that youre going to have anything to do with VirginUSA, you're sadly mistaken. Branson doesn't want ANYTHING to do with folks like OldCodgerinPa, robbedagain, delldude, 700uw, or pitbull. You are poison to most companies and their work forces. They'd rather hire ex-Iraqi soldiers before they'd let a bunch of grumbling, self centered babies onto the property.

VirginUSA may get pieces of US, but they certainly will take a single employee.
Yikes. :shock:
TheX said:
They'd rather hire ex-Iraqi soldiers before they'd let a bunch of grumbling, self centered babies onto the property.

VirginUSA may get pieces of US, but they certainly will take a single employee.
You're probably right, but you didn't really have to put it that way.

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