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Early out/B scale


Nov 14, 2003
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I generally pay no heed to rumors but this one, from mulitple sources, was intriguing. It has been floated around the base of a 3-3-1 package and a new B scale for future mechanics. It sounds economically feasible for the company to dump high paying jobs to be replaced with jobs at, say, half the rate? I also wouldn't put it past the compAAny union to agree to sacrifice the high paying jobs in order to avoid bankruptcy again and "preserve" jobs. As I recall, there was a similar agreement forged in 95' (championed by the TWU) with an early out and concession deals.
If there is any way you can avoid a B scale, I would do it. I know several f/as who came to AA during the B scale days for f/as (late 80's or early 90's???). Some of them are still bitter over the way they had to scrimp and do without in order to pay for the most basic stuff--like food and shelter.

Technically, I started under a B scale arrangement, I think. I got a substantial jump in hourly rate when I hit 5 years. The step up was much more than any other year.