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early-out / 65-point plan

Hey guys, I'm not sure how to quote a previous thread but the original wording of the "65-point plan" stated that anyone who was furloughed OR severed after 9/27 would receive retiree flight benefits as long as they had 10 years of service and WHEN their age + service added up to 65. The explanation clearly stated that even AFTER you left with at least 10 years of service the clock continued to click even if you were'nt old enough.

Example, I had 11 years of service, but will not be 55 for five more years. According to the explanation they gave, once I reach 55 my lifetime flight benefits would change to retiree benefits......only if my last date was past 9/27!

My last day was 8/21....I had requested to leave later, and my original release date was 7/24....the company needed us to stay another month...but I had originally wanted to stay later, like Oct.

The date they are choosing 9/27, is the date the merger was APPROVED. The merger was ANNOUNCED only two weeks after we had to have our early-out papers in!

NOT FAIR! There are some people who are able to take advantage of this benefit and others who are not, yet we all took the early out.

I sent an email to middleseat...whatever, and have had no response.
Everyone that has been affected by this should email, call, or write their CWA local and inquire. If you are not sure who to contact: http://cwa.net/contact-local/

The company had to have known of the impending "merger" at the time we signed our early out papers and in my way of thinking, they pulled one over on us again. Had I been aware of several items which were announced soon after the cut off date, I might have waited since I would have qualified for the 65 point plan. Contact the CWA and voice your concerns even if it is a moot point

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