Again, We know that on paper. Airbus offered Wolf a sweet deal. How sweet is the deal in regards to a business that has to,or should be focused on the cost of Initial purchase Vs. the cost of long term ownership? Simply put, Wolf couldn't have cared less. He had no long term aspirations for U. His sole focus was to show a decrease in current operating costs and fuel savings. This was completely directed to making U look more attractive to UA for the buy-out he dreamed of. Lets see..He took the company for a financial ride...we all highly suspect he got Kick-Backs for the Airbus purchase...and then he sought personal multi-millions in additional gain by selling us off to United. This is a triple-dip if there ever was one. Surely the lack of a Plan B when the merger failed to happen says everything about a failed business plan...and no real concern for U's investors or employee's. This is downright criminal in my opinion. I just hope that somehow the Investors can gain enough tangible proof of these issues , to take Wolf to task in court. Greed was the only driving force...and it was at the expense of everyone involved.