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'Drunk' man pees on 11 year old on JetBlue flight

This is sick! Airport security should be doing something about this. A drunk teen?! Unbelievable! This calls for some serious disciplinary actions! Airport personnel are suppose to be strict, they can't afford to be lax nowadays!

Article Source: Man urinates on girl mid-flight

If he got drunk at the airport, the establishment that served him the drinks should be liable. If he was served on the aircraft, that sounds like an airline problem to me....It's always the airport or airlines fault, maybe people should start taking responsibility for their actions.....
How do we know he consumed 8 alcoholic beverages ONBOARD? He could have had 3 doubles at the airport and 2 on the plane (or whatever combo).

As a Flight Attendant, (especially on a Red-eye when most people are sleeping) most of us are acutely aware when someone drinks to excess. 8 is quite a large number to be consumed in a 5 hour period. And as FAs working together, we usually KNOW what is going on and who is drinking.

Don't be so quick to Judge. I for one will "suggest" that this man had a "few" prior to boarding. Also, its quite probable that he "doesn't fly well" and may have consumed a "pill" to help him sleep even better :blink:

You are absolutely right, he may have drank a pint of the hard-stuff even before he boarded, or he may even have combined prescription or nonprescription drugs with all of that. Who really knows... it will have to be up the flight crews and gate agents to recognize this form of behavior, and act accordingly.