Yep, some get rewarded for putting a company into bankruptcy and some get rewarded for bringing the company out of bankruptcy.
And, the LCC bankruptcies are different from other BKs how? It's the way things work in American business today. And, our unions (and their members) allow it. I was told that the flight attendant union at AA had a "no raise for management without equal raise for flight attendants" clause in their proposed BK TA. It was probably the first thing struck from the document by management, and AFAIK, the union made no attempt to object. It's why I love the fact that the AE pilots turned down the Agreement in (Un)Principle. The company thought all they had to do was threaten the pilots with shutting down the airline. (With the flight attendants all they have to do is offer some piddling, eaten up by an increase in medical insurance premiums raise. Works every time.) Well, the pilots have called their bluff, and despite the naysaying and contemptuous comments from people like E who think that if it's said by management it is true, the pilot shortage is real. And, it is going to get worse very quickly. As WT pointed out, there's a whole bunch of mainline pilots who are about to be forceably retired due to reaching age 65, and it will accelerate.
Now, E was quick to point out that WT had faulty numbers--that AE represented
only 42% of mainline's feed. Well, let's see how well mainline does when that mere 42% goes missing. (And, I think even E would admit privately that there is not enough excess lift and pilots out there for anyone to pick up the slack.)
Doug and gang are really good about stuffing their pockets with cash and stock and at the same time telling Mechanics they only deserve a 1% pay raise. The argument they deserve this because this is the way things work is BS and getting old.
I repeat...LCC is different from other airlines and companies in BK how? We allowed it. (Unless, you are TWU, but that's your fault also.) We stood by while the plans were made to stuff pockets with cash and stock options and promotions. You get what you negotiate.
Where are the stock options for the rest of the US employess?
See above.
I grew up in Birmingham, AL when the steel mills and mines were still open and just about everyone belonged to a union. NO ONE crossed a picket line except for emergency personnel--fire trucks and ambulances. NO ONE. Because everyone knew that despite the law there was no way anyone was going to arrest everyone who refused to cross. And, the union leaders were willing to go to jail for their convictions and their members.
Now, union members gladly and happily pick up struck work from other unions or cross another union's picket line. Then, we all wonder why the unions have no strength anymore. The unions are us. And, as long as the pervasive American "me first" attitude includes all union members, things are only going to get worse. We can look forward to outsourcing of any job in any company--in craft unions to China probably. And, if you are a pilot or flight attendant don't think you are safe either. The airlines will be pushing to change the regulations such that our jobs can be given to contract workers who make less money and get NO benefits from the airline just as they have done with agents and mechanics and other job categories.