and this gets a thumbs up!!!! WHY????
I agree...non-rev to Florida in the winter STUPID...
Just flying NW is STUPID...
AGAIN you don't get it PTO.
The NWA planes were flying full for many years while I worked there. Yet the airline is in bankruptcy....GO FIGURE.... <_<
oh yea thats because the bigwigs would rather rape every contract and worker on the property then add a lousey $5.00 per ticket to save the airline.
Take from the employee because the public wants a low cost carrier. Well along with low cost, they are getting low class, low life workers (like yourself), low moral, and low service....they want to fly NW let them...no one I care about will step foot on any of their airplanes.
remember....full airplanes only means no seat for you... :blink:
The airline isn't going to do any better because of it. Your wages will continue to suffer, more consessions will be coming your way.
They will take and you will give.